It Was the Time of Hope
It Was the Time of Hope —
it Was the Time Of Despair
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
It was the time of hope, it was the time of despair.
It was the time for deceit and yet a time of looking for the truth.
It was the time for patience, but the long waiting hours and days only prolonged the wonder.
The nation stood in the balance, and the powers that be stood erect but shaken to their core.
The people waited and listened to every count and every drop of the bucket for the final outcome, and yet the curtain didn’t fall, for he who held the strings prolonged its outcome until all were wasted.
The colors of the flag all ran together, and the stars and stripes were broken, for what was once united had
now become divided.
Tempers rose and the voices of some yelled out for the count to stop, even as the workers toiled away.
There was a hush that was felt across the nation, for even since the birth of these things, there has never
been a shaking, a question of what should occur.
The statesmen stood and waited while the tyrant plotted on in his chambers, devising schemes that some believed while other questioned.
The enemy laughed for he knew that his devices were working, for division was always his plan, even with those who had once known the truth.
But time has a way of reaching its goal, and for those who wait in faith, the outcome will be seen in truth.
~ Stephen Hanson
Stephen Hanson of In His Truth Ministries came to the LORD is a special way in 1975 and has prophesied regularly since. In these end-time birthing pangs we are reminded that judgment must first begin with the household of God. Will we be prepared and ready?
What can the matter be ?
Who is truly hearing from God ?
Is there a lying spirit at work or people are prophesizing by Baal.
Only God knows
Prophet Hanson many have been blinded in this hour. The prayers of the righteous availeth much. God is in control. He always has been. He always will be. 2020 has exposed a lot, and the line of demarcation has separated the wheat from the tare! How blind are they who cannot see, and deaf are they who cannot hear, and wretched are those who have trusted the word of false Prophets who claimed to have heard from God regarding the outcome of this election!
God sees to it that the words of His true/genuine Prophets do not fall to the ground. Judgment has come, and is coming! Many major ministries God is and will be bringing down, while establishing new voices that He will raise. The changing of the Guard is at hand.
“ But time has a way of reaching its goal, and for those who wait in faith, the outcome will be seen in truth.”
Praise God the truth of the next four years will manifest as a spectacle for all to witness in short manner. Yet will those who question it truly search their hearts or shamelessly continue to follow their own imaginations?
Yes, as it is written ” only with our eyes will we see the reward of the wicket ‘ plsam91.