It is Time! Cross Over!
Cross Over…!
It was truly all over at The Cross when Jesus said, “It is Finished!”
“Take up your cross and follow Me over to the land you have only envisioned in your dreams. It is the NOW time to accelerate and access to possess all that I have promised.”
The LORD said to me, “This is a Corporate Word for My People but it applies in specific personal ways individually as well.”
For about three months as I labored to enter His rest, He was preparing my heart about this DIVINE CROSSOVER, the time of truly embracing the finished work of the cross in this monumental shift and transition that will welcome in a new ERA.
As we are crossing into a great unveiling, exposure and healing time, new revelations and intercessions are turning your mourning into dancing.
It has been a time of deep identification and dying to self and living in CHRIST alone.
“You must always recognize I AM your Bridge to tomorrow. I bridge every gap. I AM teaching you to build bridges of LOVE and UNITY that will make a Way, lead to Truth, and Life.”
Then I heard clearly, “As you cross over the narrow bridge (connector) I AM providing, take My Hand.
You are in My Grip and the enemy will no longer have you boxed in with constant pressure, for I AM reversing, repaying and restoring your losses.
You are in the process of Divine transformation that will bring the Glory of The LORD.
I say to you, those whose eyes are focused, fixed on Me, shall rise up as the eagle.
Those hidden are coming to pave the highway of holiness and know that there is a shaking and a waking that will thrust forth the vessels of purity and clean hearts.
Yes, cross over the bridge! Leave the past behind you and look to the other side, for many suddenlies await you as you go forward.
Do not be fearful of the unknown or the unexpected happenings, for the unknown and unexpected are only a manifestation of the GOODNESS of a loving Father that is full of surprises.”
A bridge is a pathway that connects to something. I felt as if “cross over” spoke of crossing over an impasse of some kind but gaining victory through the way of the cross.
He is providing the WAY and leading us to a position, place and time for strategic plans to bring abundance of prosperity and healing.
As I pondered the word I heard in my quiet time today, I began to hear more clearly and see a picture of the reality of the word “crossover.”
First I heard “time to cross over“… then just, “cross over the bridge.”
The bridge will be an answer to the prayers prayed in the gap, or their place of intercession, and for others it shall be a provision that offers transportation away from a roadblock.
The LORD has prepared many as intercessors to bridge the gap in this hour of shifting and positioning.
The LORD gave me a vision of many who were feeling like they were just treading water and becoming weak and weary, then I saw others who felt the shift deeply and actually were puzzled, and starting to drift away, but He began to take their hands and hold up their arms as HE endued them with fresh courage.
It is vital that you take this special time of separation and testing of trust to wait patiently before The LORD.
As you listen, begin to decree the words that HE speaks to you. As you receive new vision and strength for the journey, then you shall go out with new courage and be led forth by a spirit of might.
Every mountain shall bow down as you give a shout to The LORD with a voice of triumph. Many missing pieces are starting to fall into place and clarity of vision is being released as we stand in the presence of The LORD.
You are entering into that which The LORD has promised.
The LORD is taking The Remnant Army to a road less traveled, to an assignment that they have been well trained for, connections with others who are in agreement and ready and waiting to be summoned by The LORD.
Many new links of agreement shall be formed and the power of two will become a byword of unity during this powerful time of gathering His Troops.
“Know this, I AM the strength of your heart and it is that strength that will be your firm foundation,” says The LORD.
It is time to gather those who have established hearts. This is not an hour to question God’s heart but an hour to embrace His love and faithfulness and stand strong in the joy of The LORD for it is truly our strength.
I say you are entering a time of triumph and victory and rejoicing!
Prepare the way of The LORD.
~ Sandi Holman
Sandi Holman of Matters of the Heart website was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions. Sword of The LORD Ministries came from a divine encounter with The LORD when He came into her prayer room and said, “I have come to put a sword in your hand and was given special instructions on how and when to use it.” She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor and Seer, Chaplain, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper, and Blogger who has also served as a Pastor Online with Beyond the Veil Ministries.
Thank you.