ISIS Will Be Brought to Nothing!
“Watch! For the stronghold of ISIS will be brought to nothing,” says the LORD.
During my prayer time this morning, I was shown in the spirit a large serpent with a crested head, glittering skin and a venomous bite. I watched as this serpent writhed upon the ground in a grovelling like posture.
It was well camouflaged to deceive its prey. I could see that this snake would strike with lightning speed and bite without warning.
Prophetically, I immediately saw that this snake represented the ever-present danger of the enemy at work in the midst of us. I saw this snake move swiftly across the ground.
As I watched, I saw Satan’s army moving swiftly across the nations of the earth in this hour.
As I looked at this snake move, I suddenly heard the snake hiss the word “ISIS, ISIS”
As I continued to watch this snake writhe upon the ground and listen as it hissed the word “ISIS”, suddenly another snake, a much larger snake, appeared upon the ground and immediately without warning the large snake swallowed up the venomous snake.
In an instant, the large snake turned into a large rod of iron which now lay upon the ground.
Then I heard these words, “Daughter It is time to pick up the rod, for I AM placing My rod of Authority in the hands of My people in this hour.
With the Sword of the Spirit in their mouths, they will begin to move and speak in a new way and they will use My rod of Authority to distinguish every fiery arrow, and render impotent every weapon of darkness, and My Anointing upon them will destroy and dismantle every Satanic stronghold and demonic structure.
For the Power of My Glory shall now push back the powers of darkness that has obstructed and frustrated many from coming into My Kingdom in this hour.
Now Watch, for In this season I shall destroy the armies of darkness that are coming against you, and you will see the plans of the enemy exposed, thwarted and Satan’s army will be obliterated,” says God.
“Beloved in the midst of increasing darkness, you will experience My Light and Power, you will see a mighty demonstration of My Glory once again. For behold, I do a new thing,” says God.
“I will use your hands to heal the sick, to raise the dead, and cast out devils. You will overcome as you stand in My Blood and testify to My Word through signs, wonders and miracles.
Have I not said, you shall decree a thing and it shall be established for you? For I have called and commissioned you to do greater works in this hour.
Now fear not, arise and release My light into the dark places. I have sharpened you with the gifts of discernment.
You will recognise the counterfeit from the genuine. I call you Carriers of My Glory.
I have marked and sealed you for such a time as this. The anointing shall flow as mighty rivers before you, and I will make you as a Sign of My Supernatural Power upon the Earth.
You will see the minds of unbelievers changed and transformed, for I AM bringing many into the Kingdom in these days, for this is the time of a great Harvest,” says the LORD.
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
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