HomeProphecyIntercessors are Needed to Pray Now and Often for This Land


Intercessors are Needed to Pray Now and Often for This Land — 8 Comments

  1. My sisters, Joyce and Liz, I just had to jump in and stand in agreement. Yesterday was D-Day for me personally in intercession for much and DJT included. I truly believe FLAG DAY will turn out to be a real day to remember and see the goodness of GOD on behalf of America and possibly even the nations. I am holding tight to Veronika’s word about Acts, Chris word of warning, and as I opened up HKP today, I felt like I was getting the HEADLINES of all the NEWS we needed. I thank GOD daily for Angus and Jill and their faithfulness and love to get the Prophets word out. I believe your vision of DJT was to us to keep him high and lifted up and also to see he has been a huge target but has also been heavenly sent and heavenly guarded and His time is not up yet. Thank you for your faithful stand as intercessors and friends of God. You are loved and treasured friends, Sandi

    • Thank you Sandi. I’m so sorry but my comment disappearedbefore. I believe perhaps I didn’t wait long enough to see it went through.
      Thank you for all your words and also for jumping in as you say. I love you my sister and friend. ❤️

  2. Thank you dear sister Joyce for your ‘intercessory heart’, and obedience to share it.

    Yes, today is D-Day. I’m calling it “DELIVERANCE DAY”. Not coming into agreement with ‘disaster day’. The Lord (for many weeks now) Has been waking me up between 4:45 a.m.-5:30 a.m. every single morning- sometimes earlier. I just know in my Spirit it’s a “national-intercessional-Paul-Revere-sound-tge-alarm-watchman-on-the-wall prayer revelry call”. God wants millions on this prayer call. It is vital if deliverance from our enemies (foreign and domestic)…and might I add, personal, is to Prevail.

    I appreciate you reminding us all LET’S GET TO IT. We May not know what’s coming, or all the behind the scenes events -but we can all pray in unity for protection & covering over our skies, land, shores, for America.

    Thank you- Elizabeth

    • Thank you Elizabeth and surely we must all continue to stand together in one accord praying for one another! Thank you again for not caring of me sharing your article before and now. I love you sis. ❤️

  3. Father in the name of Jesus, We cover president trump with the blood of Jesus Christ From head to toes. We declare no weapon formed against him. Is going to prosper And every tongue that rises against him in false accusations, Judgment, criticism, mocking, we tear down every stronghold in Jesus’ name. Expose Lord, we decree Everything hidden in darkness and keep him from any trap or hidden danfor Your glory and Your praise always, amen. Surround him with your angel armies, we pray and agree, amen.

  4. Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, On earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread,
    forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
    For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.

    • Thank you Wong for posting this prayer. I most assuredly just prayed it with you. Holy is HIS Name and we believe and have spoken. Love and hugs, Mama Joyce

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