HomeProphecy2024Intercession — An Urgent Call for a New Era


Intercession — An Urgent Call for a New Era — 5 Comments

  1. thank you sooo much for this lengthy, comprehensive teaching and sharing on intercession. it so blessed me as i journey to intercede for my beloved dog, that he will live and not die to the glory of God the Father, that all will know the goodness of God in the land of the living.

    • Phay, thank you for your comment. I am blessed to share what the Lord has taught me and I am so glad you were able to absorb it and benefit from it. Many blessings, Sandi Holman

    • Thank you Wong e Zin for your agreement. SO BE IT that you received the teaching from the Lord. Jesus is ever interceding for us. Blessings, Sandi Holman

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