Intercede all the More!
Dick Leggatt, President of Derek Prince Ministries — USA and comprises his November 12, 2021 Newsletter. Click here to receive the Derek Prince Ministries emailed E-devotional.
Dear Friend,
Are you sensing an impulse to pray and intercede more? Do you presently face some situations that make it clear that prayer is a necessity for you and your future?
There are many reasons to intercede. Clearly, it is a necessity for any desperate situation — personal or global. (A glimpse of world news is all the motivation we need.)
Sometimes, the impulse to pray comes to us in the form of an undefined burden placed upon us by The LORD.
Occasionally, the urge to intercede happens at the unlikely time when victory seems to be imminent — but required for a final push “over the finish line.”
Regardless of the reason, The LORD seems to be calling us to intercede all the more.
On the Verge of Victory
Recently, my wife and I received the news from one of our grown children that their family was about to experience a career breakthrough.
Cindi and I had been praying for it for a long time, and we were elated to hear that it was about to happen.
Later that same day, I was taking a breather from some repair work I had just completed on our house.
As I sat resting on our front porch, I began thanking The LORD again for the news of the anticipated breakthrough. As I did, I heard the unmistakable voice of The LORD: “Now is the time to intercede all the more.”
That direction from The LORD immediately reminded me of a truth I had learned from Derek Prince’s teaching.
Intercession is a vital element in bringing a victory to pass. When we are on the verge of a breakthrough, it is a time to intercede all the more.
Daniel: Our Example
The story of Daniel provides a good pattern to follow in our own lives when we see a breakthrough coming. In one of Derek Prince’s radio messages on intercession, he poses this question:
“What was Daniel’s response when God indicated He would begin to restore the Jewish people to Jerusalem?”
You and I might be tempted to simply sit back and relax at that point, looking on as The LORD took care of business, accomplishing a great victory. But according to Derek, that was not Daniel’s response.
“He didn’t simply say, ‘Isn’t that interesting? God is soon going to restore Jerusalem.’
He saw that it placed a personal responsibility upon him: if it was God’s purpose to restore Jerusalem, it was his duty to move in and associate himself with the purpose of God. He needed to commit himself in prayer and fasting to what God intended to do….
Daniel knew that his responsibility was not merely to have an interesting revelation that the time had come to restore Jerusalem, but that his responsibility was to fulfill the part of God’s people to pray.”
So, what did Daniel do instead of relaxing? He interceded all the more.
Many Reasons to Intercede
I have to admit that the thought of interceding to bring victory into reality seems a little odd and unnecessary to me.
Even so, it is clearly one of the legitimate occasions for prayer of this type. Most often, desperate situations (personal and international), or life-and-death struggles that confront us are our motivations to pray with greater intensity.
In this regard, I can’t help thinking of the recent DPM update from my dear friend, Ross Paterson, director of DPM-China. It bears the title: “A Call for Intensified Prayer for China.”
Will you and I volunteer to be used in this type of world-changing intercession?
Sometimes as well, there are times when all of a sudden, The LORD places a burden on our hearts for a person, a leader, or a region of the world.
We may not even know the details related to the burden The LORD has laid upon us. It really doesn’t matter, does it? Here is all that really matters: we make ourselves available to intercede all the more.
A Needed Pursuit
In a message appropriately called “Intercession,” Derek Prince cites leaders from The Bible who interceded, sharing some personal understanding of this needed pursuit.
“Many years ago, when I became an American citizen, I became one by choice. Believe me, I weighed that decision very carefully.
I believe when I became a citizen of the United States, I identified myself with the nation for good or for evil.
I could see the tremendous possibility of divine judgment falling on this Nation. I was not blind to it. But God had spoken to me audibly in 1953 when I was still a pastor in England. This is what He said: “There shall be a great revival in the United States and Great Britain.”
I’m willing to run the risk. Why? Because I believe that great revival is coming. If God can find intercessors, I believe we can stay the judgment of God and call down the mercy and grace and blessings of God — if we learn to intercede.”
Facing the Opposition
Those last five words are compelling, aren’t they? If we learn to intercede. I would be the first to admit that I am not much of an intercessor. My wife certainly is; but I am not. Even so, I am willing to step up—to be a willing volunteer to intercede all the more.
Will you join me in stepping up with the following prayer of commitment?
LORD Jesus, I confess that I don’t consider myself to be much of an intercessor.
However, I now understand that there are so many opportunities to step up to this vital ministry: times of threatening disasters, times when an unexpected burden comes unbidden to me; times when victory is just about to happen, and the missing element is intercession to push it over the finish line.
I don’t want to be sitting on the sidelines anymore when these situations arise.
I want to step up and take my place, joining my supplications and petitions with others who have volunteered to intercede in Your name.
May it never be said that You were looking for someone to intercede but could find no one to answer Your call.
Please use me in this life-changing, world-impacting ministry.
Help me, dear LORD, to learn to intercede — and having learned this skill, to be obedient to intercede all the more.
Rearranged Priorities
I don’t know about you, but I have a bit of a knot in my stomach at the thought of what you and I have just prayed.
It may certainly entail a huge shift in our priorities and schedules as we make ourselves available to pray and intercede at The LORD’s direction.
To fulfill such a task, you and I may need some further motivation and inspiration. All of us at DPM pledge ourselves to help in that regard.
Derek Prince taught and spoke often on this theme. The message from which we took Derek’s quote, “Intercession,” covers the topic thoroughly, and we would be honored to make it available to you.
It is our great joy to stand with you, just as you have stood with us so faithfully through your prayers and your gifts. We simply can’t thank you enough!
Is the Timing Good?
Has the theme of this letter hit you at a strategic time in your life?
When I put these letters together each month, I never know, of course. I am simply responding to the prompting of The Holy Spirit regarding the theme He is highlighting for me at the time.
It may be that everything in your experience is going smoothly right now. Perhaps you have already stepped into a victorious place, and the breakthroughs you need have already occurred.
There may be no desperate situations facing you. If that is the case, I rejoice with you right now. May His favor and blessing continue upon your life.
But it may be that you are dealing with situations in which a breakthrough is eluding you and hard circumstances are pressing upon you.
If that is the case, intensified prayer and intercession could be one solution you may need for what you are facing.
Whatever our personal circumstances may be, the world around us is crying out for increased, concerted prayer.
Is The LORD calling you and me to a greater commitment to this type of prayer?
Perhaps what He is asking of us now is to intercede all the more.
All the best,
Dick Leggatt
President, DPM–USA
P.S. Once again, we send you our love and thanks for your partnership with us. We deeply appreciate your prayers and your gifts. Please don’t forget to download week one of “How to Be Led by the Holy Spirit.” We know it will encourage you.
Materials used by kind permission of Derek Prince Ministries.
Sir, I have been prompted to intercede more lately as well as to include fasting and intercessory worship. Thank you for this confirmation.
Sir, your teaching always speak to me directly regarding situations at hands. I know this is the Holly spirit. Yes, I have been interceding for many & myself but lately, I started to become weary due to no aanswers forthcoming. I know the Lord has just used you to tell me to ” intercede the more”. God increase your anointing Sir. Adams from Africa.