HomeProphecyInstructions for Food


Instructions for Food — 3 Comments

  1. Thank you Mary for this very timely posting. I love these words: Do not lose your lives over poultry — let go. I will feed you manna from above.”
    “For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills.” Psalm 50:10 Worship the Lord without ceasing to create an atmosphere of a glorious answer to all of our needs.  He is faithful and He will fight our batlles through our worship and dancing before Him. To God Father, Son and Holy Spirit be the glory!!!

  2. Mary,

    Thank you for posting this – Which I believe will be wisdom to the many who read it. Shalom

  3. Thank you for posting this word, it is a confirmation for what I have been hearing God say for a while. God is always faithful to warn and instruct us, but it is up to us to pay attention and heed His instructions. God warned me a while back about stocking up on food and personal items. God knows us and God is faithful to help us. He taught me how to store food in terms of need,price,how to prepare the food and how to store it. God is truly a Father in every sense of the word, He is always looking out for us. I am sure we can all look around in the world and see that the world is not the same, and will never be the world we once knew. All it will take is one major event to happen and the rest will fall like dominos. One thing I can say without a doubt, if we are not prepared it will not be because God did not warn us.