In These Last Days
3 Words in 1
Do You Hear It?
“Do you hear it? Do you hear the sound? Do you hear the sound of triumph in your ear?
The stripping of the old and into the new. It’s My glorious sound. It’s My Sound of shaking away the shackles that hold you down.
It’s a breaking away. Can you not hear it?
No longer will you be the same. Do you see that you want more of me?
Do you know? I AM pulling you out of the old and into the new. Yes, it’s a shattering sound. A pulling away. See the sunlight and how it shines in the sky. So shall you be for Me.”
I AM Listening
“I AM listening. I AM listening to every battle cry.
I hear your every word. I have not left you. I AM here. I AM awakening you to the new sound. The sound of passion is what I AM hearing in my ear.
The sound of burning is what I hear. I AM taking you into deeper levels. Yes it is a painful process.
But you must go higher. Place all hope and trust in me. We are standing on the verge of something NEW.
Lift up your praises to Me. Lift up your voices to Me.”
In These Last Days
“These last days, I AM going to pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.
Young men will see visions and old men will dream dreams. My fresh fire of awakening is upon My Church.
I AM going to burn up every dross, everything which is not of Me must go.
Then, a time of refreshing will come upon My Church and you will go out in a blaze of glory.
Shake off what so easily entangles you and weighs you down. Great will be my peace within you.
I AM turning up the heat 10x’s hotter. Great shaking must come upon the earth. Be captivated by My beauty and not what goes on around you. It’s just dust to throw you off course.
Rid yourselves of all malice, jealousy, deceit and every kind of slander.
“Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking,” 1 Peter 2:1 ( a Church without spot or wrinkle).
Come into alignment with My Word.
I will speak of great things which are to come.
The tentacles that have held people down will be severed. The bondages of the people will break off. No longer will they believe the lies that has been tossed down from generation to generation.
My families, My families whom I have brought together to accomplish My Will, will see me in these last days move upon their lives in unprecedented ways. There they will bask in My Glory. All the weight of generational curses will be broken.
My People will be dancing in the streets for all that will be accomplished in one day. Wait and see. Lift up a shout of praise, who is this King of Glory. The LORD strong and mighty.”
~ Kelly Ewing
Kelley — Her heart’s desire is to remain in the secret place and abide in His love.
Powerful. Thanks Sister.
The LORD God Almighty,His Kingdom is forever and ever lasting. Oh praise the KING with me saints!!!