HomeProphecyIf We Will Watch, Stop, and Listen!


If We Will Watch, Stop, and Listen! — 6 Comments

  1. Thank you very much for relaying what critical wisdom and revelation the Lord is relating for our time, sister Sandi. One thing I don’t quite understand is what He means by “is to agree to disagree.” Would you spell that out, please?

    • Hello Arlen, thank you for your input. I have learned that two in agreement is very powerful but the Lord has shown me that to agree to disagree is sometimes the wisest choice in our upside down culture. If I am sharing a word from the Lord or even something in God’s word and the person (a believer) does not ‘see it’ through God’s eyes or have spiritual understanding from the Lord, I have to be careful not to ‘point the finger, be critical or judge. If they are an unbeliever, I have learned to say, you have an interesting point (or whatever the Lord gives me except I understand). I sometimes say it has been my experience etc but I have learned that disagreement so many times is a trap from the enemy for discord and opens the door to strife. It is okay to disagree when one has a different viewpoint or when they have not gotten the same revelation. Just end the conversation in peace. Go to your prayer closet, ask the Lord for clarification on your part, and pray for insight and understanding for that person. Remember also that there is ‘somebody’ everyone will listen to so I ask the Lord to send them to the person at the right time! Hope that clarifies my point, Arlen. God bless you richly!! (I have found that Human reasoning (mindsets) is a huge blockage to spiritual insight and understanding). Sandi

  2. It is pointless to ignore His rebukes and chastening…I have tried for years! He is steadfast and true…”faithful is He who called you Who also will do it!”

    • Good morning, Den. This seems to be the moment that the Lord has chosen to chasten, rebuke and especially bring understanding to His own flock. He is stepping in to lead the faithful and enlighten the unfaithful. I believe His divine intervention is key to the revival promised. Reviving those backsliders and revealing truth to the lost. Thank you for your input. Blessings, Sandi

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