I Will Remember and Reward!
“I will not forget your labor of love for Me, says the LORD.
I will not forget your dedication and devotion to Me.
I will reward your obedience and your sacrifices that you make for My kingdom.
I will remember you, as your payers and alms come up before Me.
But DO NOT forget My sacrifice for you.
DO not forget My love for you.
DO not forget My faithfulness to you!
I do so completely out of My love for you. I have mantled you with My grace, and I will give you My glory and My Holy Spirit.
All that I have is yours. says the LORD.
As I have freely given onto you, unspeakable gifts, become as I AM, and freely give yourself to Me, says the LORD.
Freely serve Me with joy and gladness.
Freely be a conduit of My blessings, as I use you for My glory to pour into the lives of others.
You will not earn it, but I will give it to you, and will use you as a vessel of honor in My hands.
Use what I have given you by faith and trust in Me, as I pour into you continually, so that you can become a conduit of My Spirit, My power and My glory, for the honor of My own, great name, says the LORD.”
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.