I Will Not Tolerate the Pollution in My House!
Thus saith the Lord,
“For among My people are many corrupters of the truth of purity of religion, who have come in to make money and fill their bags with the gold and silver of this world, and with intention to prostitute My people and My church.
I AM the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and I will not tolerate the pollution in My house and those who call themselves by My Name, declaring falsehoods and fantasies that are merely contemptuous toward My character and My Name!
Many are deceived and given over to fanatical hallucinations and visions by the devil because they have so desired a gift above Me, and I have given them over to that which they have desired in a polluted manner, because they have truly not sought Me, but have sought their own kingdom, giving them persuasive delusions, by which they swear are of Me, and are not!
I AM the God of Justice and Righteousness and the heresy that has been a stench unto My nostrils will be exposed, as I remove that which is unclean out of My house, for it is another spirit, and has contaminated and polluted many who say they are of Me!
I will expose the witchcraft, sorcery and soothsaying that is taking place in My house and I will sweep it out, as My judgment comes in this hour to judge My house, revealing those who are corrupters and polluters of My people.
Hold dearly to your life in the power of My Word and know that I come swiftly to judge and desire that none of My people be in the midst of those who will partake of this judgment, which will bring with it sickness and disease.
As My Ark of Covenant was brought in the midst of the Philistines, who were defiled, the revealing of My glory and My judgment in the midst of such corruption revealed in the midst of them through the boils on their flesh, the corruption of their divination, (1 Samuel 5 & 1 Samuel 6).
I desire mercy and truth to be made known among My people and those who call on My Name, and I will come in power and in glory, revealing the nature of My Spirit, as I bring forth a greater anointing in this hour, releasing the knowledge of My glory to cover the earth, as the waters cover the seas!
I AM the God, Whose promises are yes and Amen, bringing My people into the Land of My promise, as I breathe life and breath into them, giving them a GREAT HOPE of what I have planned for them, as I stir up such holy emotion of faith, giving the gift of faith to My people in order that they come near to Me in this hour, as I give them the nature and power of My glory, expressed in My Son, as He manifested the Kingdom of Heaven!
I tell you this is the hour that My Kingdom will be made known, and all those who have been in My House and have pretended to be of Me but are diviners planted by evil, I will expose so that many are cleansed and repent of the evil in which they have partaken and committed against Me!
I will cleanse My house and purify the Bride of Christ, so that she is without spot and blemish, knowing the glorious nature to which she is called, as the power of the righteousness of My Son is made known to many who will be mighty teachers of My truth to win many to righteousness!
A great shaking has come but still there is more to come in My house, as I shake out the pretenders, diviners, soothsayers and those in witchcraft.
I will reveal the nature of those who are hidden in hypocrisy and say they are of Me but are not! I will reveal the fruit of their tree so that all will see.
Those who desire not the truth but the kingdom of this age will fall away and be given over to the GREAT DELUSION!
But those who call on My Name will be saved, as they cry out in Jesus alone, is their salvation; Salvation comes through Jehovah!
Now I will remove the veil off of your eyes and show the doors that have been opened to you, as you rise up in a greater knowledge of My glory, knowing the nature of My Son (Jesus Christ), as the display of the attributes of Christ and His mind are revealed in your heart!
Be prepared and ready, do not weep over that which I have judged, as I instructed My servants to remove strange fire out of My house, but weep for those who have been deceived by these deceivers who were planted in My house, so that their eyes will be opened and they will be saved.
Lift up your eyes to where your help comes from, for it is coming mightily in this hour, to reveal to you the call to which I have called you, which is greater than you can think or imagine, as I began to bring the provision in for the vision; I have allowed the testing of your faith so that, that which is Mine, would be proven in you to remove that which would be a hook in your soul.
Pray for the lost and your loved ones, knowing that in this hour I hear and will answer you! I will heal and deliver them!
A saint crying out to God for fullness of deliverance and the manifestation of salvation.
~ Robin Kirby Gatto
Robin Kirby-Gatto operates in the prophetic, bringing the testimony of Jesus into the earth through the scripture Revelation 19:10 “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Robin walks in God’s Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding and is brought into areas to bring a revelation of God’s Truth, The Word as the Holy Spirit brings forth God’s anointing into her ministry.
“I remove that which is unclean out of My house, for it is another spirit”
Yes, the “antichrists” are found inside the body of Christ!
“because many leading (My people) astray did enter into the world, who are not (by obedience to My Spirit) confessing Jesus Christ coming in (their) flesh; this one is he who is leading astray, and the antichrist. IIJohn 1:7
“Thus saith the Lord GOD, Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing. Ezek. 13:3
Anti= against and/or instead of the true teaching heard directly from the Spirit of God.