I Will Build and Complete You
No matter what the enemy says, you cannot believe it, says the LORD.
For he never tells the truth. He promises everything to get you off track, but cannot give you anything.
He does not have anything good to give you. He cannot build you up, but only comes to destroy you.
He only wants you to be distracted, discouraged, and defeated, says the LORD.
DO not listen to Him, says the LORD. For he just wants to entrap you, and caused you to lose sight of the way.
No matter how good he makes things look, he is only baiting you. Flee from him. Resist temptation that will only ensnare you, and ignore him. For he cannot speak the truth, and he cannot ever benefit you, no matter what he promises, says the LORD.
Trust in My infallible Word, that cannot lie, says the LORD.
For My Word will be performed. My promises will be fulfilled for whoever embraces them by faith, without exception.
There is no shortcut to success, as the enemy tells you. I will build you and make you and complete you, and you will be a finished work in My hands that created you for purpose and My pleasure.
Trust in Me, and listen to ME. For in the end, that which I speak will endure, and the enemies lies will come to naught, says the LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Let the Church AMEN! …..Let the nChurxh say AMEN AGAIN!!!
Amen and Amen