I know you’re willing, but the Door is Shut!
There is a point of no return in your worldly attachments, a place where you can no longer let go, but you were always willing too. Security feels so good, because it is a false form of power. This power will eventually be taken from you, unless you sell your soul to the devil. No lukewarm believers will be tolerated in the kingdom of darkness or My kingdom. Lukewarm people cannot be trusted in either kingdom, because fear causes them to only look out for themselves.
My Father’s question is not, are you willing to give up everything, but did you give up everything? Willingness is very deceptive, and very convincing to all parties because it seems genuine. Willingness never saved a life, won a battle, or built a building. It never painted a painting, wrote a book, clothed the naked at fed the hungry. A billion people a day say the phrase, but I was willing too! Willing people sound wonderful but never make a difference in the lives of others, because they only willing but not able to push past their fear, thereby disqualifying themselves, Judges 7:3.
Some of you, I have been calling for years, but you will never be chosen, because you always stop at, WILLING TOO. Faith is not being willing too, faith steps off the edge! Willing people seem to always hesitate just long enough for someone to step up first, and then say, but I was willing! Willing people are fearful to risk all!
I hear western believers by the millions say, I am willing to give up my home and job to follow you Lord, ten years later after many opportunities they are still saying, I am willing Lord! For some of you the last opportunity has past, and now it’s My turn to say, I was willing to give you the kingdom, but you could not move past being willing!
For the rest of the willing people, put the Kingdom of God first in all you do; and all the necessities of life will be added unto you. [32] Fear not, little willing one; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. [33] Sell the things you treasure, and give to those with genuine needs; provide yourselves a life of prayer and obedience which will not get old, a treasure in the heavens that will never fail, where no thief approaches, or moth corrupts. [34] For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also, Luke 12:31-34.
Push past a lifetime of willingness, and become an obedient doer of My words to you!
~ Jim Hammerle
Jim Hammerle (1941-2017) began ministry working with David Wilkerson and Nicky Cruz, founding Teen Challenge Philadelphia. 6 times in the mission field pastoring a mission ship, 15 years with tv and radio, teaching, and preaching. As a retired businessman, Jim helped to feed widows and orphans in Uganda, helping Muslims find the Jesus who fed them. He became His banker and was privileged to give His money away, wherever He decided, so he also helping to build an orphanage in Haiti and investing in lives in the USA. Totally in love with his Lord, at age 73 he served in ministry at Victory Christian Church and lived every hour listening for his Heavenly Father’s voice. Jim passed away on May 23, 2017 to be with the LORD. |
Thank you Jim for passing on that message. It really touched me because just seconds before I saw it I had been asking the Lord that very question: Is the door now shut to those who have resisted His call to the life of the cross? How sad to say no to the Lord. I pray for continued open doors in the hearts of His children.
Amen, I’m hoping my time hasn’t past.