HomeProphecyI Hear the Cry of Your Heart!


I Hear the Cry of Your Heart! — 3 Comments

  1. Thank you for these comforting words my beloved sister. Last Thursday I’ve wept there were people who were insulting and bothering me at work with silly words and I went to the bathroom. God knows everything and he knew that you are going to comfort me. Once again thank you for every word that you have wrote to us I really I appreciate and I do not take them for granted. God bless you.Amen!

  2. Hi June.just found your fb now came across one of your prayers.My name is Reno.I’m 60 years of age.have been a Christian for 1 year. I would like to do missionary work in Africa.I’m unemployed but it is on my heart to work for God in Africa.if you can help in will be happy.blessings Reno

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