“The Storehouse of My Blessings”
“I have opened the storehouse of My blessings for you and will pour them out to you in excess of your need or ability to contain,” says The LORD.
“I will enrich you. I will beautify you as I deck you out in Me. Can you hear the sound of abundance of rain? Can you feel the winds of My Spirit pressing against your face?
“I AM moving in your behalf. I AM causing. I AM affecting. I AM stirring things up and I AM preparing you for what I have for you,” says The LORD.
“Do not gaze at the little cloud that is distant and faint, but hear the sound. Speak to your ears, that they may hear. Speak to your eyes that they may see. Speak to your heart that it may be enlarged to embrace what I have for you.
“For as you have been faithful in the small, you will have the abundant. I will enlarge you, fill you, thrill you and pour into you My Spirit of grace. I will expand your vision and give you Mine.
“Think and speak abundance and know that there will not be room enough to contain the magnitude of My blessings that I AM pouring out to you,” says The LORD.
First published: March 31, 2016.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Thank you that word was confirmation on Tuesday Morning. He spoke, He released blessings to His people we will truly experience Deutronomy 28:1-14 as never before. This the year of Divine Favor and an Acceptable Year in Isaiah 61 the Amplified bible refer it as The Year of The Lord’s Favor. Thank You I receive this word
Precious sis June, thankyou for your faithfulness.
I heard a similar Word from the Lord while praying. The Lord said that He has already released the abundance of blessings upon His Church and we should rejoice greatly in thanksgiving henceforth. His Spirit confirms through you that the blessings are tremendous, and they are beyond our ability to contain!!! You are so accurate in your prophetic word!!! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. All glory belongs to Him.