I Have Everything Under My Control!
“Think on the good things that I have done for you,” says The LORD.
“For I have daily loaded you with benefits. Do not dwell on the difficulties, but think on the blessings that you have been given by Me that have no attached sorrow.
“Lift up your hands that hang down. Lift them up to Me in surrender,and forfeit the negative mindset of yourself and others and begin to see things in a new light.
“For I will not forget you. I will renew your strength in Me. I will give you all that you need. I will keep you in the daytime and all through the night.
“For you can rest, knowing that I have everything in control even when everything seems to be out of control,” says The LORD.
“Be confident in My Love and care for you,” says The LORD.
“For I did not change with the times and seasons of your life. Though others may have abandoned you, I have not! Though others may have misunderstood you and judged you unfairly, I have not and will not.
“My understanding is infinite, and I see everything and know everything about you, even things you do not understand about yourself.
“I will never condemn you or bring you into harms way. Trust in My Presence. For as you think on My goodness and mercy and faithfulness to you, your focus will change, and you will shed the depression, refuse the darkness, and abandon all thoughts of defeat.
“For My prescription for you is joy and gladness, light and life that is abundant. Your victory is assured as you keep your focus on Me and recognize the good things that I have given you and trust in My abiding love for you,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Thank you father!
Truly a BIG Blessing. Lol
Truly You are Good Abba Father, So So Good!
You truly have everything under control! I surrender to Your unconditional loving-kindness and Favor. You rescued me from myself and out of the grip of the evil one, (in every poisoned and deceived form)!!
I choose the Spirit of Truth to guide me Lord, and turn from the emotional pull of my flesh.
I pray for Wisdom Father, and I receive Your Strength in place my many weaknesses.
Let the Power of the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord take possession of my thoughts and rule my life, for You are the Awe Inspiring Warrior, with me always, and I trust in You Abba.
God bless this beautiful lady for her Faithfulness in coming alongside Your Beloved to strengthen and encourage, what a blessing she’s been Abba, thank You.