I Have Called You to Be Light!
I have called you to be light, says the LORD. Let My light shine forth in the darkness that is all around you as you arise and shine, for your light has come.
I have taken you out of the kingdom of darkness and brought you into My marvelous light of My Kingdom.
I have put My light in you and upon you to show forth My glory. Darkness cannot defeat you or put out the light that is in you. The light of MY glory will extinguish the darkness, even though it is so thick, it can be felt, says the LORD.
Be ablaze with My glory. Let the fire of My presence burn in you and around you as I ignite you and cause you to be a spectacle rather than a spectator. I will cause the fire of My SPIRIT to rise higher and higher, and be unquenchable as you seek ME with all of your heart and follow hard after Me.
I will fill you with My holy fire and saturate you with it so that you will not be able to be hid. As the burning bush of old drew attention to Me, the fire of My SPIRIT will cause many to come to witness this great sight as I make you a sign and a wonder.
Be filled with My power as you become a part of what I AM doing upon the earth. The fire will not go out, but will spread throughout the earth and the pockets of fires will connect across the nations of the WORLD as they spread and grow in an inferno of MY GLORY, and the fire of revival will fill the earth, says the LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Amen! Thank you so much my dearest sister for these kind words. Wow! I am inspired and encouraged by this beautiful message from above. I will arise and shine for the light has come. I was sharing these words this morning while I was going to work. I will keep on witnessing and testifying about his wonderful deeds that he has done to me. Oh! I love Jesus with all of my heart. God bless you. Lot of love and blessing.