“I Do Not Make Any Mistakes!”
“I do not make any mistakes,” says The LORD. “I did not create you by mistake, and I did not do so without thought or purpose or plan.”
“Your destiny was sealed before you took your first breath. I knew you before you were formed in the womb of your mother.
“I already decreed over you. What I have called you to do and gifted you to do is not without precise purpose.
“I have set the plan long before you knew your left hand from your right hand and before you could take your first step. I knew your name before you could recognize it, pronounce it or write it.
“I know everything about you and your purpose is sealed in Me and My Spirit,” says The LORD.
“You are valuable to Me. Do not call yourself useless,” says The LORD. “I value you. Value yourself.
“See Me and My seed in you, for I AM your everlasting Father. You are My everlasting child of destiny. You are My workmanship, and I have created you for MY pleasure.
“I take great joy in My creation, and you are a peculiar treasure onto Me. I formed you by Myself and will cause your eyes to see and your ears to hear and your heart to understand and know what your purposes are as they unfold.
“I will lead you, one step at a time and each one will be a step up into your position of authority that I have ascribed for your life.
“You will fulfill every purpose that I have decreed for your life, as you walk in your kingdom purpose and I partner with you and empower you to do the GREATER WORKS that I called you to do for My Kingdom and My glory,” says The LORD.
First Published: March 27, 2017.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
You word by the Holy Spirit ministers to the ladies at Rock Bottom Ranch who get out of being in incarceration. I send as love letter from Jesus and the get the ones God wants them to have and it reaches their heart for there Healing And Deliverance. Thank you for sending them to me each day as My daughter and I are also ministered by them thanks for being obedient to the Lord your labor is not in vain!
[ HKP : Google Translate : “Yes, amen? I was very touched and increased my confidence and strength. Thank you so much for the Lord my God, my King.
I will fulfill my destiny and mission under the wings of the King of kings.
I will be very excited and joyful to follow you, my Lord, Lord.” ]
Thank you for speaking forth life into my life!