I come to speak into your life
3 Words in 1
Break Out!
SOMEBODY, AS YOU ARE READING THIS, God is about to break out in your life with such explosive power and miracles such that it will shock everyone around you.
Just as they did in the book of Acts, those who are around you are about to ask this in shock, “What meaneth this?”
Be an Over-Comer!
SOMEBODY, YOU ARE WONDERING whether you are breaking apart because the Devil is throwing multiple attacks from every side.
Well, that it is happening because of A MAJOR SHIFT AND LIFTING IS COMING TO YOUR LIFE but Satan wants to stop you. Ah, but God said to tell you this: HE WON’T PREVAIL!
I come to speak into your life
Somebody, I have come as your divine emissary to speak into your life. The Lord sent me to speak this word to you today: ‘Ye have compassed this mountain long enough: turn you northward,’ Deuteronomy 2:3.
There are some areas of your life for which you have been going round and round, but the father now wants you to settle them all once and for good. This ‘mountain’ that God was speaking to the Israelites concerning, represents the attitudes and tendencies of the carnal nature which we have yet to overcome as his children. Yes you may have much activity going on as the children of Israel; you are moving around, and very busy for The Lord, but the divine chart has yet to record tangible progress concerning your life.
Yes, you are seriously reading the word every day, but you have still not come to the knowledge of the truth. You see, it is easy to be busy and to think that we have began to make it, but it takes God to truly open your eyes and show you that what you have been doing all this time is basically, ‘skirting the issue’.
This mountain that they kept on going round, speaks of the things of the carnal nature that are in our lives that we refuse to deal with.
You have a lot of anger and do lose your temper much, but you act like it is not an issue.
You have skirted it, and in the meanwhile, life goes on. You are a serial liar, [you lie like a dog-smile], but you are still acting like ‘it is a no biggie’.
You have become the gossip central of town, but to you it is a, ‘No, I am just sharing juicy life stories with others’ – leave alone the reputations that are being damaged in the whole process [whatever happened to ‘love covers a multitude of sins’].
Anything negative you have to say about another person in their absence that you would not want them to know came from you is classified as gossip.
You have jealousy issues, but you’re still thinking, ‘No, I am the one who should have had that, even God knows’. No, the only thing that God knows is that you are ‘a mountain-revolver’. You are an award-winning complainer, complaining about everything; but no, to you it is an, ‘I am just airing my grievances’.
You are the one I am talking about right here?
You doubt and explain away the miracles of God, but to you, that is not unbelief; no, ‘I am simply being rational’.
You have an issue with drinking or another type of addiction, but to you it is not an addiction; no, ‘I actually have this under control’. Hey, you are skirting the mountain. You are full of pride and will quickly pass judgment without batting a thought [smile], but no, to you, ‘I am just setting the records straight’. Huh?
So, what happened to, ‘You cannot judge the slave of another’? For when you make yourself a judge of other people, the word of God says that you have excluded yourself from being a doer of the law. Ah, but there is only one judge. You are submerged neck-deep in lust issues, cannot stay faithful to one; ah, but you will counter-explain that one too.
The word of God gives one word for it: callous [now, you do not care about it anymore]. You may think that you can actually maintain those fleshy tendencies and ‘life still moves on’. No, that is where you have it wrong. All that makes you out to be is a ‘skirter’ or ‘skirtist’ or something.
It is a principle of life that if you are ever going to conquer anything, you might as well as start facing it. You will never conquer anything which you refuse to confront in this life. God looked at the Israelites and saw that they were faithful in going round the mountain, but they were not making any progress in life.
Take note that every time you find yourself falling into that carnal nature yet you ignore what just happened, you are ‘going round the mountain’. Why do I say going round? Because you will arrive at the same ‘mountain’ in a short while again. As a matter of fact, if you can find something that for months and years on end you have been ‘trying to get a grip of’, yet it is still putting you down, then you must know that ‘the matter has not be resolved’. You merely went around the issue the last time.
I have a question for you: for how long will you circle the mountain before you do something about it?
You cannot just be using the word of God as a ‘look good accessory’. You cannot be going to church just ‘so they can see that I still got it together’; no, you must come to the place of total submission to God.
The word of God speaks about not making ‘provision for the flesh’. Yes, you can be the one feeding your carnal appetites; the same one that God says you must ‘crucify’ and kill. When you would rather go through the motions than submit yourself to God for transformation, what will happen is that you will waste a lot of time ‘in the wilderness’. That wilderness is the place of God’s dealings with his people. When God wants to work on a certain area of your life, He will bring you to the wilderness. Now, you must not allow yourself to be a victim of what I just spoke about: moving on – with the looks of godliness – but there is no shift, no change, you have no purpose, and there is no transformation that is taking place in your life.
Many have made a ‘cosmetic’ of the word of God in their lives while the real thing that they should do is make it a syringe and a sword. They want the word of God for the purposes of looking good on the outside, but on the inside everything just remains the same. They want the word of God to add some glory to their lives, but they will have no mention of it making them holy. They will carry the word on their lips, but will never hide it in their hearts.
The only word that can do you any good is the one which you have made a part of your life. When the Israelites got to Gilgal, God told Joshua: ‘Make thee sharp knives and circumcise again the children of Israel,’ Joshua 5:2. The reason why they were not yet in their promised land and not yet walking in the will of God was because they were still entertaining the flesh. You know, throwing ‘flesh parties’ and acting everything like the ‘children of the devil.’ I am certain God had ‘had it with them’ but he was patient with them.
That flesh is what must go. Now what circumcision was to be a symbol to them in the physical [i.e. An entry into covenant with God] is the same thing which it is meant to be to us in the Spirit, but Paul the apostle now calls it the ‘circumcision of the heart, by the spirit, not by the written code’. At another place he also says, ‘in him you were also circumcised with a circumcision not performed by human hands. Your whole self ruled by the flesh was put off when you were circumcised by Christ,’ Colossians 2:11.
The same day, when the males in Israel were circumcised [and like I said, today this is the same day that we cut off the works of the flesh] is the same day that they began to possess the promised land. The Lord asked Joshua to make sharp knives in order that he may carry out the procedure. Today, these knives speak of the word of God in the hand of the Spirit of God. If you can submit to him, he will chop off the carnal lifestyles and all these ‘mountains’ that you have been skirting about.
What this means beloved is that God wants his children to carry a whole new nature the moment they come to him. We cannot avoid what transformation we must take from God in order that we may enter into our promised land. That cycle must end. The sharp edges of the sword that is the word of God must be allowed to cut off all those un-Christlike attitudes and tendencies in our lives.
We must submit to the spirit of God as he takes the word and shows us what he wants to prune out of our lives. If really you have come to the Kingdom of God and belong to the world that is above, then you cannot respond to the things of this world in the same manner as you did in the past. There has to be a higher code of living, which code is the word of God. You cannot respond to hate with hate; no, love must have its way. You cannot respond to the pressures in your life is the same way [going off on binge eating and the like]; no, wisdom must prevail.
God has sent me to tell you today: the time for circling those mountains in your life is over. It is time to begin dealing with the issues. You cannot ignore the problem in your life and say ‘others must change’. No, this word is speaking about your very own life; your carnal nature and ‘inner mountains’. The cycle must end now: going off into the flesh, feeling guilty that you fell, repenting but doing nothing about it, and falling back into the same sin trap.
Ah, there is a movie called ‘Facing the Giants’; I think somebody else needs to make a movie called, ‘facing the mountain’.
Now I pray for you today: may the father give you the power to start facing the real issues that have kept your walk with God [and your life] at a stand-still of going round in circles, and, to eventually come to the place of victory.
May the holy ghost begin to illuminate your heart and show you what must go in order for you to possess the promised land he spoke to you about, in Jesus’ name. Now you say it right here: no more circles!
~ Apostle Paul A Williams
Apostle Paul A Williams
Apostolic Revival Church International, Nairobi
I think focusing on your mountain, failures, and weaknesses is evil. Because it points you to self, where there is no hope, no victory. Christ came to focus our eyes on salvation, His perfection, His person, His beauty, His righteousness. I may be all that you described, but my hope is in Christ for if I could figure it out on my own, I would have done it by now. For who wants to live in a hopeless circle of defeat. Christ came to end that hopeless circle and in Him I have hope! For because of His sacrifice, His shedding of blood, I am made whole and perfect in God’s sight. For all who believe in Christ is made new and their sins are covered by His blood. So yes- because of the fall man fell but because of the righteousness of Christ I am restored. We should point to the righteous saving power of Christ. Keep your eyes on Him for as He is so I am in this world. Look not to self and recieve restoration, in the areas of your failures there is grace to overcome. For we overcome by the blood alone.
My prayer is for those who have focused so much on their inadequasies that the fruit they produced is lies, gossip, alcoholism and even anger. Focus on Christ and His sacrifice. He can produce the results you need to stop going round the mountain. Look to our Rock! I say this for my own benefit because life will jack you up without warning and bitterness may try to creep in. The hard work was done at the cross. Rest in Christ and His finish work and recieve the power to overcome.