How to Step into Perfect Love for Breakthrough
Do you ever feel anxious for fearful? … even tormented?
You are not alone. I have a fresh word for you and I’m so excited to release it because this is a time that the enemy has been coming in like a flood, (Isaiah 59:19).
The LORD has a strategy to bring freedom. He is lifting up a standard against the enemy, and he’s preparing us right now with this timely teaching.
I just released a free ebook, 4 Powerful Keys That Change Your Life. I want you to go to my website,, and download it.
The 4 keys are actually quite simple. These are the things I wish someone would have shown me years ago; it would have saved me a lot of pain, time and money.
If anyone would ask me, “What is it that has changed your life the most?”
By far, it is these strategies and principles. If the enemy can get us distracted by looking at ‘this and that’, disagreeing and caught up in troubles (current difficulties, your bills, etc.), we won’t step into the fulness of our God-given authority to change the world … by coming into alignment with Heaven.
In this Spirit Connection podcast, I unpack some of these key principles; and at the end … I pray to bring healing to your body, your finances and to open the heavens over you and your family.
Get ready, because God’s doing something new and He want to include you. You’re invited to the party!
Here are few snippets of what you’ll hear:
- “People who operate in fear can possibly get a tormentor assigned to them. That happened to me, folks.”
- “Even though the LORD had healed me, I was still in fear … I’m becoming very vulnerable with you to help you understand how you can get healed.”
- “I got healed of anxiety … a huge turnaround in my life, but it wasn’t until I understood the power of agreement.”
- “If you’re sick or you’re in debt, I want to tell you right now is a good day because you might have what the LORD calls, ‘a spiritual logjam.’”
- “Once you get this into your spirit, everything’s going to flow. Your finances are going to flow, you’re going to see a breakthrough in all that you do.”
- “One place that you’ll know if God has changed your heart — it’s in how you treat people when you drive your car.”
- “… when you combine these things together, you are going to see an amazing, massive breakthrough in your life!”
Listen Online Below:
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~ Doug Addison
P.S. Want to get my Daily Prophetic Word? Sign up here with your email address and I’ll send it to you so you don’t miss a single one.
Want to hear more on these prophetic words for the month? Watch the replays of my recent Spirit Connection webcasts. Join me and my team for this FREE webcast on the first Wednesday of every month at 6 p.m. Pacific Time.
Doug Addison is a prominent conference speaker captivating audiences with clean stand-up comedy and high energy prophetic messages, also shared on TV, radio and the Internet for over a decade. He brings laughter, fun and a unique prophetic style while empowering people to transform their lives, discover their destiny and understand dreams, tattoos and piercings. His powerful messages stay with his audiences long after hearing him.
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