How Satan Wins Souls in These End-Times
I used to wonder how Satan would win so many people in the End-Times…. Now I see.
Please read this out before you think that I am being judgemental — because I am coming from a spiritual but logical prospective.
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.” Revelations 13:16.
I used to get excited when I awakened from a dream or vision and being eager to give The Word and Revelation that God had revealed…
But then, as time went on, I began to sense that people are not that eager to hear what God has to say…
As Paul stated, “Have I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth?” (Galatians 4:16).
With that being said, I used to wonder how in the end-times that Satan — that old devil — was going to achieve the goal of misleading so many people away from God.
Even one soul lost is one too many, but if you look at how Satan is using all of the chaos, confusion, and plagues to lure people away from The Truth….
Think about it for a minute… He is using the system of money and material desires to make a bad situation “look good”
You can tell people The Truth, they will know what you saying is Truth, but will not acknowledge it, because of who you are.
Although they say they love him with their lips, actually, their hearts are far from true worship. (Matthew 15:8).
Now don’t get me wrong, no one is perfect and we all have fallen short of His Glory (Romans 3:23), but the world is so wicked and evil today, until there is nearly no need for a man or woman servant of God to say anything.
Really all one has to do is to watch the News and have a little discernment!
Right now in these times, the enemy can tell the people anything — or offer them crumbs — and they will follow him quicker than children being led by the Pied Piper.
But at the same time, when God says something, it is second guessed and practically ignored. It just goes to show that we will give up our souls before we give up our gold!
For example, it is amazing how you can inform and give all the information and proof about a particular subject or thing, and be seen as judgemental…. But in reality, like it or not, all of these holidays are founded upon evil and wicked rituals that oppose God and yet they are still practiced by many people who say they are Christians and love God…
And, not only do adults participate and indulge in them, but they also indulge their very own children…..!
If you look at this practice as done in biblical times, the people were sacrificing their children by sitting the child on the lap of an idol god — like we sit them on the lap of Santa Claus in these times — next, as the child sat on the lap of the idol, he or she was suddenly flipped backwards into a pit of fire….
Read it for yourself! It’s in there in the Bible in several places… The idol god was called Molech/ Moloch. (Jeremiah 7:1; Jeremiah 10).
So, as we see, the people were getting involved in rituals, ceremonies, and even had child participation and sacrifice… And still, it is the same thing today!
Most of these activities — and these holidays that we currently participate in — are Satanic Rituals that are made to look harmless, innocent, and enjoyable. But I guess this is how we show honor, worship, reverence and love to our “God”.
It is evident, that the world has offered so many things — money, cures, luxuries, wealth, and all types of distractions — and the bigger the distraction, the more we fall into line without giving it one single thought.
Think about it!
What does it profit a man to gain the world, and lose his soul? (Mark 8:36).
Not everyone is falling for the schemes of the enemy, however, there is a difference in knowing the truth, than knowing what is right according to God’s Word and still not walk in the truth. (1 John 2:4).
“There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer.” Deuteronomy 18:10.
“You shall not give any of your offspring to offer them to Molech, nor shall you profane the name of your God; I AM The LORD.” Leviticus 18:21.
– by Geraldine Coleman
Geraldine Coleman: Is a teacher and educator and ministers to prisoners at a prison facility where she is an instructor.
Satan has won many souls already. The church seems asleep still and the end time activities are not here yet. People are believing the devils lies and cheering him on..Obama is working for the devil at all times..Wake up America.
What really angers me is that the church knew these holidays like Christmas, Easter and Halloween were pagan holidays. So when the Roman emperor put them on the calendar to be worshipped by Christians, why didn’t the church leaders speak up then and refuse to worship these holiday? For over 1500 years, we have been worshipping pagan holidays. God must look down on people with sadness in his heart at how low man has become. We need to seek His forgiveness. I long for righteousness!
Thank you for this truth,we need more intercession for people to descern the times,this word was truth and this is Satan playground and his vessels and demons in spirit!
If Satan can lure one soul, he has won too many…Maybe you are living in an alternate world.
Satan ain’t winning anything
Why give so much power to Satan? He isn’t winning anything. He was defeated over 2000 years ago on the cross.
The world is full of sin….The people who are transgressing against the Word of God is in Sin and Satan has won many over to them….Don’t be naive. This is a spiritual battle; I did not say he has won the war.
Dear Sr. Geraldine,
Thank you for an Excellent article.
I really enjoyed reading what you wrote.
And sadly it’s so very True.
Hopefully more people will wake up.
This is an excellent post! Slight correction needed, though. Your final scripture reference is missing a 1. It should be Lev. 18:21, not 8:21.
Thank you…