HomeProphecyHow Many Have You Healed?


How Many Have You Healed? — 7 Comments

  1. Thank you, Robert for the delivery of this Word. So true and so very needed to the body of Christ! God bless you.

  2. I am begging begging begging the Lord for the gifts of healing to arise, in me if He is willing.  Every wounded body I see, every tortured soul I meet, anguishes me.  Where are the promises of Mark 16, where is our power?  I seem to be able to cast out and bind spirits, but healing still eludes me.

  3. I have been praying for the sick for 38 years.  I pray and I declare what they need and the Lord heals them.  I am in Yucatan Mexico.  I have been seeing so many more healed than were healed before.  I am running close to 100% healed now when I minster to the sick.  But I like to give them a good long lesson of the Word for them to hang their faith on to receive.  1st Peter 2:24 says by his stripes we were healed.  That’s past tense.  If I was healed why am I sick.  You have not because you ask not.  God is not a liar!! Titus 1:2, Hebrews6:18 and Numbers 23:19.  Isaiah 53:4-5 by his stripes you are healed.  Present tense.  He can heal you now.  Acts 10:38 says that Jesus went about doing good and healing all who are oppressed by the devil.  If you are sick, you are oppressed by the devil.  Jesus never refused to heal anyone.  He would ask what do you want?  He asked blind Bartamayas, what do you want.  He knew that he was blind.  There’s just so much that applies to healing.  You can do it!!! 
    Jesus sent out the 12 in Luke 9.  In Luke 10 Jesus sent out 70 more to heal the sick and cast out devils and proclaim the Kingdom of God!!  We need to go out and do the same!!

  4. Padre nostro, ricordati della tua promessa di spargere il Tuo Spirito sui tuoi figli negli ultimi giorni! Ci hai detto di non muoverci e di aspettare. Oh Signore, così a lungo abbiamo aspettato! Il mondo annega nell’inganno e nella sofferenza. Mandaci il Tuo Spirito di verità, libertà e guarigione. Liberaci Padre! Guariscici!Riempici della Tua Potenza! Perché, se siamo la luce del mondo, non lasciare che la nostra luce si spenga.
    Grazie! Benedizioni♡

    [ HKP : “Our Father, remember your promise to pour out Your Spirit on your children in the last days!  You told us not to move and to wait.  Oh Lord, so long have we waited!  The world is drowning in deception and suffering.  Send us Your Spirit of truth, freedom and healing.  Deliver us Father!  Heal us! Fill us with Your Power!  Because if we are the light of the world, don’t let our light go out.
    Thank you!  Blessings♡” ]

  5. An outstanding post!
    Thank you for your honesty and openness, which really ministered to me. I’ve thought and wondered about the same things you’ve mentioned for years.
    I’ve asked the Lord why am I here, why was I born.
    There’s so much suffering in the world and I see it daily. My heart aches. The Lord has used you to provide me with incite and revelation.
    Thank you God bless!

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