How Long Must I Wait?
A Word for the hour we’re in!
“How long must I wait?” cries The LORD.
“How long before you will believe Me, and step out in the anointing I have given you?
How long before you realise what I have given you?”
Not being used to such questions from The LORD, and I suppose being a bit defensive, I asked, “Who Lord? Is it me, or someone else?”
“How long before My People, who are called by My name, will repent of their lack of faith, lack of belief, lack of courage, and step up to the plate and use that which I have given them?”
He continued, “I have spoken to so many, through My Prophets, yet My People do not receive what I tell them.
They listen but they do not hear.
They hear, but they do not understand.
They sit on their gifts, like the fearful servant, they bury My Gift.
When will they pick up their gift and use it in the Power and Authority I have given them in Jesus?
When will they use My Spirit –– I have given Him for their use.
Yet they seem afraid. Afraid to step out, to make themselves a fool for My sake. Afraid even of offending someone.
Tell them, tell them quickly, time is short, so short!
Now is the hour they have prayed for for so very long.
Who cares what the world thinks — it is time to tip the world on its head, time to defy logic, convention, time to even defy the worlds laws.
This is why I have given gifts.
Let the Prophet Prophesy to a disbelieving world.
Let the Healer heal a doubting world.
Let the Deliverer set the captives free in a bound and desperate world.
Let the Evangelist cut loose in a world longing for that ‘something better’.
The harvest is ripe and ready.
Let those whom I have gifted apprehend and use the gifts I have given.
My Army is ready to fight with you — but they cannot find those who have hidden their gifts.
It is time to use what you have been given.
It is time to activate the Prophecies you have been given.
It is time for harvest!
Who will go?
Who can I send but you?
How long must I wait?”
~ Chris G. Bennett
Chris Bennett came to salvation in 1962 but didn’t begin ministry until 2007 — a late-comer! Now mandated by The LORD to prophesy and open old wells of revival in the U.K., but especially in Wales. He has also operated Healing Rooms, and worked with deliverance teams, all with his wife, Linda. Happily now doing whatever The LORD asks of them! Founder, with wife Linda, of their ministry The Upper Room Encounter.
Yes Amen
Yes & Amen !!
The wait is over….mighty man of God!
Thank you. Your encouragement is so appreciated. God bless you