HomeProphecyHonor and Dishonor


Honor and Dishonor — 8 Comments

  1. Amen! Yes! Amen!
    We honor you Miss Sandi!
    Thanking God for the gift He has graced you with and thanking you for sharing it with all of us. We praise Him for giving you wisdom, knowledge and understanding to look into His heart for the example we all desire to follow. Your gracious encouragement of others is certainly a model to emulate. You willingly honor others by sharing the Love of our Lord.
    God bless you Miss Sandi!

    • Marc, you are making me cry today with your words of honor and love. I cannot tell how much I appreciate the honor, goodness and love you and Tami have poured out on me. I am very humbled and blessed that the Lord put you in my life and it was at such an appointed time in my life. Only God knows all and when HE gives back all we give, HE multiplies all that we have given and all that has caused division, He heals. You were a divine appointment in my life and I am forever grateful. Sandi

  2. Thank you so much!! This is an on time word for me. I just left a fellowship for this very reason. They did not honor the gifts Holy Slpirit has placed inside of me

    • wow! Coreen, I am always amazed and blessed with the timing of the Lord when He affirms and confirms! Unfortunately, that is pretty common among those who carry prophetic giftings. Blessings, Sandi Holman

  3. Absolutely spot on, Sandi!  Thank you much for sharing this. It is so needed in the church. I wrote an article on honor but can’t near find it now. Imn going to share this one. Love you sis ❤️

    • Good morning, my sister, I appreciate your input so much. I believe it would bring much unity in the church especially in this very competitive world we are in. But God…It seems He is shining His light brightly to wake up His people and especially those who have become washed in fear that has produced a double mind and divided heart. Love you my sweet friend, Sandi

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