HomeProphecyHoly Ground


Holy Ground — 3 Comments

  1. All things are ‘bare’ in His manifest presence – God doesn’t say remove the robe Moses, but remove the shoes – Remove the memory of where you’ve been – I AM will order your steps – walk in the Spirit – for the heart/s proper position in Me precedes prophetic ACTion and often parallels prophetic act/s. God is Holy.

    • “Remove the memory of where you’ve been”!
      What a great evaluation, thank you. I’d not thought of it that way, but it’s resonates.
      Thank you,
      God bless you

      • Amen. It definitely resonates w/me. Isn’t that how Holy Spirit reveals…speaks ? On a personal level to us?

        Much can be said of the symbolism and significance of ‘shoes’ in scripture – Joshua 5:15, Ruth…interesting study in contrast of Ex. 3: w/Angel of the Lord KJV and God Himself Ex. 19 KJV w/Moses on Mt. Sinai and no command to remove shoes….but that was my ‘take away’.

        You’re a blessing man of God.

        Thank you and God bless you.

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