His Ultimate Love
There is always a way for The LORD to speak into your life.
He will send every means He has available to cause you to see His hand move in your life.
He uses visions, dreams, prophetic worship, prophecy, outpourings of the Holy Spirit, revival, calling you by name, open doors that suddenly appear, the obedience of others being led by the Spirit, revelation of the Word of God, Angels.
He uses all of these and anything else that He deems fit to get your attention as the means to persuade you to believe in Him, and believe that He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
He gives to you the Gift of Repentance so that you can enter the Holy of Holies unhindered by any unbelief. All of these things are the result of His ultimate Love that cannot be equaled.
All things are possible for Him. All things are possible for those who believe. He can cause the Holy of Holies to surround you, and be carried with you as you walk with Him.
You are called to believe.
There is nothing too hard for The LORD.
~ Thomas Downes
Thomas Downes. Walking with The LORD for over 40 years, Thomas runs “The Voice of the Writer” a Prophetic Ministry. His purpose is to present the Word of God and the Love of God with the prophetic heart; the heart that desires to hear the Voice of The LORD, and present His Word for the encouragement of others.
Wonderful. Thank you.
My comment is in 2 parts- 1. (in response to Chris’ comment)- I just read yesterday an invitational Word from the Lord at another Word site, promising that He would intervene to save many of the lives of the children about to perish in the coming ‘kick-off’ event fires, if His remnant Body would pray & ask Him for mercy over them. In this way, they will have one more opportunity to repent before it’s too late. 2. I’ve noticed that this man, Thomas Downes, has a peculiar & amazing good sense of spiritual values beyond what most prophets exhibit in this end day, & I just want to thank him for his closeness to the heart of the Lord! I look forward to, & enjoy reading his posts as often as I find them! So many people seem to be whining & complaining about someone these days, that some of the rest of us need to stand up & express some love, compliments & thanks where it is due. I have no idea who this man is, but I thank you, Brother Thomas for what you so faithfully do! rick
Thank you very much, Rick for the kind words. I just found this today not realizing that my posts have been getting responses. I am truly honored to be able to express what the Lord gives me to speak or write. It is all for His Name and for His Glory. Everything that I am is all because of what He does in my life. He is worthy of all of me, and all of you as well. God bless you Rick.
Thomas Downes
There is nothing to hard for the Lord, that is correct. Still he chooses not to intervene in the lives of his children and many perish. That is also true.