His True Prophets
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His True Prophets
True prophets are not those running around prophesying in the moment.
True prophets are those who speak of things “Yet not seen or heard of…..”
Those who open mysteries and hidden treasures. Who speak what human ears and eyes are still to behold and to come to experience. They pioneer the way for others to find.
For being a step ahead, they may be considered as being ‘out of step’ to many in their present generation who hear them.
And yet they speak from the heart of The Father, for both those who have ears to hear in the present age, as well as to future generations to come.
They are God’s seed sowers in the earth. Planting harvests yet to be reaped by His children’s children!
Bring The Father Glory!
“By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be My disciples,” John 15:8.
Year on year, a vineyard produces not only more fruit, but also better quality fruit.
The reason is that the vines grow and are carefully tended to, as they keep maturing, so they may yield a higher grade of fruit.
It is notable that it is not the vines that are praised for the quality of their fruit. Rather it is the owner of the vineyard who receives the accolades for the excellent work he has done by producing fine vines that in return yield excellent fruit.
You and I are called along the same journey of growing into maturity, so that we also may bear the fruit of the inner-life of Christ in an exceeding measure, to bring The Father glory for His work in us, as it is being expressed through us.
~ Johann van der Hoven
Johann van der Hoven is in South Africa. He has been serving the Lord in ministry since 1991 and has hosted numerous apostolic revival meetings in South Africa and in South America. He also currently pioneers a organic church planting movement across South Africa. For more information about him and his ministry visit www.sonsofsovereignty.com or Revival.