His Presence Brings Breakthrough
I just want to encourage you to not feel pressured but to make an extra effort to spend quality time with the LORD.
I just want you to be able to partake all of the blessings God has for you. We all know that He loves us so much and He wants to spend quality time with us and the enemy is out to rob us of having that intimate presence of the LORD. He knows that if we spend that valuable time with God he will lose his hold on us.
We will receive breakthrough in God’s timing. When we show Him that we are serious that we want Him more than anything else and we show it by making a commitment to be with Him, then He comes and showers His blessings out upon us.
When we run the other way, we run into confusion, chaos, deception, indecision, idolatry, fear, doubt, unbelief, religion, vanity, complacency, apathy, busyness, and every other tool of the enemy to distract us.
When we spend quality time with the LORD, we will start overcoming those weaknesses that have held us back for so long. We would start moving in confidence being the person God called us to be as we become more effective in our calling. We would see ourselves developing into having that unconditional love to give others and to be able to receive.
Yes, we would see ourselves moving in the resurrection power of the LORD because dying out to the flesh would become something we would enjoy doing. We would see ourselves moving in the Gifts that God gave us.
We would see our faith growing. We would see ourselves being more of a threat to the enemy able to stand up to any onslaught of the enemy with victory and courage. Yes, the list goes on for the benefits we will receive.
God said that He would reward those who diligently seek Him. When the heavens appear as brass we have faith that He is blessing us without even feeling it. We will have an encounter with God that will completely change our lives.
Because we choose to spend quality time with the LORD, I believe we will receive all that God has for us. And I decree and declare that performance-based acceptance has no part in our life.
We will know that we are accepted in the Beloved just because He loves us and that He is shedding His divine favor, great grace, healing power, and perfect peace which is His shalom out upon us. I pray we will have breakthrough and everything I’ve listed here above and abundantly more in Jesus name.
We are a great blessing to Jesus and He loves us just the way we are today. It has nothing to do with whether God would love us more by doing these things. It is all about us being able to receive the abundance of blessings He has for us to receive.
~ Yolanda Ballard
Yolanda Ballard of At The Father’s Feet website, shares with you, the body of Christ, the words she’s received quietly sitting at the Father’s feet. I believe Jesus set the example for us to follow. Whenever He could He would come apart from the busyness of the world so that He could quiet Himself before the Father, for that is where He received direction and strength to carry out His will.
God bless you for this,I want more of God he’s love is like no other love we will ever know he’s so special so powerful hes the God of God’s the Lord of host our good Shepard ..Bless you and as you minister to us may rge ird of all bless you with your breakthrough in Jesus name amen