Heaven is Announcing! A Key Prophetic Word!
The Lord says to you: “You can hear that there’s an announcement in Heaven that is beginning! You will want to enter in and join the announcement.”
My heart for each of you is that you “HEAR!” We want to enter into the celebration of the Son on a daily basis! He came to redeem us! The earth is groaning for a manifestation of this redemption. The spirits in men and women are contending to gain control. Only the Spirit of God in us can triumph. Therefore, our spirit must be made strong in Him, Christ, during this season. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of the Lord! Ask for a new breeze of the Spirit of God to blow over you. Ask for a new peace to come upon you. Decree that a new place of wholeness will arise in your life. Declare that the joy that has been robbed from you over the past year will be returned and restored with a new level of increase! Father, we say, “Send the breeze of Your Spirit!” The Lord is saying to re-center yourself in peace for the month ahead, and let a new identity arise in you.
Key Prophetic word given by Anne Tate and Chuck Pierce after a tongue message by Acijam Otxoa on Sunday, November 30, 2014:
“In this season I am bringing you to a new, fresh place in Me. As I’m taking you into this new place, I’m sending a whole wave of angelic assistance. You are not going to struggle! You are not going to strive! You are just going to walk in what I’ve called you to walk in! This is the day that you will become who I sent you to be. The earth needs the full manifestation of Me in you. Because you’ve worshipped Me as who I Am, I Am will now reveal Himself. Worship Me and call forth the best that is yet ahead.
I have determined your seasons — not you. I am the God of seed-time and harvest. Because you have strived to stay in a season that I have determined to end, you have lost the power of seed-time and miss the harvest. I am opening a window to reorder My blessings and set you in My timing. Submit today, and allow Me to determine the season ahead. For today, a new season has shifted upon you and if you will allow Me to be the determining factor of that season, your best will be ahead.”
I would suggest that this week all of you meditate on the above word. Ask how this word should be applied to you. Also, meditate on Ephesians 1 and 2. There’s something God is saying to us about each of our identities in the future. He came for you to manifest the best of Him, through you! There’s some major change that is starting now in your atmosphere and realm of choice. This will cause your future to be unlocked. However, be watchful of how your will rebels that would cause you to refuse necessary changes ahead!
Some changes are to stay in place and remain connected. Be watchful how you are presented new opportunities. We are asking the Lord to clear out what would keep us from coming into what He has for us, in the next season. Ask the Lord to clear the past out of your thought processes, and give Him liberty to sort through everything that needs to be sorted out so you can be established new and fresh.
If you did not have an opportunity to join us on Sunday morning, or hear Robert Heidler’s message on, “The Hebraic Month of Kislev, Part 2: Learning from the Tribe of Benjamin!”, you will want to watch the webcast replay this week. Robert continued his Firstfruits teaching from last week, and offered us all an opportunity for a “double blessing!”
Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries
Website: www.GloryOfZion.org
Email: chuckp@glory-of-zion.org
Isaiah 43:19N (NKJV)
19 Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert.