He Will Give You Victory
“I will not allow you to be defeated as you trust in Me,” says The LORD.
“I will not burden you, either. I want you to hurl every care, every burden on Me! I will carry the load. You are NOT to fall under the weight of them.
“JUST GIVE THEM TO ME… all of them, and I will handle them for you, and I will also carry you! You will never fall or fail, because I cannot, and I AM the One who will sustain you, care for you, help you, and HOLD YOU UP!
“You are not a problem for me, and I want you to be free,” says The LORD.
“I will bring you OUT of the troubles that are on every side,” says The LORD.
“I will surround you! I will over shadow you. I will under gird you. I will fill you with My Holy SPIRIT and empower you. I will secure you, and I will fight your battles for you… all of them.
“What seems difficult for you is an easy fix for Me. I know how. I have all the wisdom, knowledge, power and resources to rescue you, equip you, restore you, and you will never lose the battle or the war, for I will give you the victory, and the GOOD success that you long for, because of your faith and trust in Me,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Heavenly Father, THANK YOU for the Victory and Your Goodness
to me.
Love, Jay