HomeProphecyHe Mends Broken Wings!


He Mends Broken Wings! — 3 Comments

  1. Thank you beautiful Lord Jesus. October 20th, I had a divine encounter who gave me the words in a very specific manner: Psalm 17:15. The evening after I saw “dancing” northern lights in all kinds of colors and I received this wonderful scripture Isaiah 33:17 and Veronika’s prophecy “Your turning point is just ahead” danced right into my heart. God bless you all. Please allow me to focus on the things I am to focus on these days. Lucia Ludvigsen

  2. Dear Deborah

    The word you share blesses me again thank you and thanks for the great video clip.  Many years ago I was given a prophetic word at church for myself I was told how the enemy had a mission to take my life because of the warrior woman I would become to help others who were broken and hurt from my life experience and I was also experiencing a barrenness and loneliness of being robbed as a woman. I still have that word on CD as our church recorded the service. Much healing through the years and yes there were times I wanted to check out of life but FOR THE GRACE OF GOD GO I and for ever grateful. May be someday I can help others through sharing my life story, Blessings Sue

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