He is Your Healer!
“I AM the LORD that heals YOU,” says The LORD.
“I AM your healer! I will heal your broken and wounded heart. I will mend your life that is shattered.
“I will put things in back together again that you thought were impossible. I will put things in order for you that are out of order.
“I can heal anything and everything, and make things NEW for you,” says The LORD.
“Do not give up when things seem impossible,” says The LORD.
“Hold onto My unchanging, unfailing hand. Trust that I have you and will NOT let you go! You are not a problem for ME, and I will not by-pass you or your need.
“You do not have to scream and shout to get My attention, for I see, hear and know even your unspoken thoughts and know the things you need.
“Every detail about you is important you Me, and YOU HAVE MY ATTENTION. Your healing is what I paid in full for as I bore your sins, sicknesses and pain on the tree.
“Trust in My finished work on the cross for you, and know and trust Me as your total healer and deliverer,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Teary msg. Amen
Thank you Father, I receive your healing, and for my family too. Glory to Jesus. Amen!!!
Thank you for I know there is no coincidence from God.
Oh my sister, only God knows this huge trial that I’m going through. This betrayal of trust and the pain and heartache its causing. Thank you for your timely words. Thank you my Heavenly Father for your love and concern for me. I love you.