HE is the Grand Creator!
HE is the Grand Creator!
He is the Grand Creator of this vast universe and yet He tells us that we can call Him Papa. He rules and reigns over all creation and yet He calls us His sons and daughters. He is so vast that none can fathom the breadth and scope of His magnificence yet He knows us better than we know ourselves. He is perfect and holy in every way yet He sent His Son to die for us.
How do we speak of His glory? Where do we begin? What words can we use to define He who is undefinable? How can we possibly pay back this gift which is far too much for any of us to afford?
Yet it is all too easy for us to forget Him as we go about our daily lives; the very lives which He blessed us with. For many, even as He is remembered He is completely misunderstood. Do we try to fit the vastness of this universe into a box? Of course not! The mere thought of it is foolishness. Yet how often do we try to fit the Creator of that universe into one? How much more is His vastness than that which He has created?
It is time we lose our feet and gain perspective on our knees! There are but three words needed here. They may be redundant but they are worthy of repeating, “Holy! Holy! Holy!” When we enter into the fullness of His Kingdom how will we respond? Will we find ourselves speechless in those first moments where we know even as we are fully known?
When we gaze into the face of Love will we stutter and stammer? Will even the articulate be reduced to babbling fools as all words fail? Will the torrent of our tears of thanksgiving leave us blinded?
His love is far greater than the human mind can fathom and yet we commonly take that love for granted. Have you received the revelation of His deep love for you?
“LORD, it is so easy for me to get caught up in the world that I can see, feel and touch even as I miss the much greater reality of who You are. You are more real than the ground I stand on, more real than the air that fills my lungs.
LORD, I ask that You open my eyes to see the truth of who You are. I ask for the revelation of Your love. Father, forgive me for my blindness. In the name of Jesus I ask that You increase my faith. LORD, fill me with a longing for You. In the name of Jesus I pray, AMEN.”
People are looking for reasons to hope… and the best news is that there IS A REASON!
Jesus embodies hope in His very being. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to our Father God except through acceptance of His precious sacrifice. The greatest travesty is living without ever knowing Him personally. Without Jesus there is NO hope.
~ Mitch Salmon
Mitch Salmon is the founder of Fisher of Men Productions and a follower of Jesus Christ and proclaimer of the Good News – The Gospel of Christ Jesus!
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