He Has Come With Rewards
“I have come with rewards,” says The LORD.
“I have come with tokens to those who have given all to Me. This is what I AM saying to you, I AM making you a benefactor for My kindness.
Many have trusted in mammon and the strength of mammon but those who have trusted in Me, I AM making benefactors of My kindness.
That means over you there is a well that will never run dry, the source is endless,” says The LORD, “for those who have been faithful, because I AM that source.”
“I AM causing springs in the desert, places where there has been dryness; I AM creating springs to come to life.
Life, do you hear Me, life is springing up where there has been dryness, where there has been barrenness, I AM breaking forth in a new way.
I AM doing this as a token of My favor upon you, this is not your eternal end time reward. I AM a God who is always looking to make Myself strong on your behalf, that means good things for you, which means faithful, and able on your behalf.
I AM opening up doors and windows that have been closed to you because I AM making you a benefactor of My kindness and My goodness in every way.
So get ready for an explosion on the inside of you, that you have never sensed or knew was available.
For I The LORD your God, am a mighty God, a mighty good God, and I AM good to those who have been good to Me, who have been faithful to Me, who have stood with Me, not looking at circumstances nor situations.
I never forget says The LORD, I never forget My promises, I never forget the words I have spoken to you, I never forget those who are faithful to Me.
I AM a faithful and great Father so get ready for the fountains, the springs, the wells, the seals that have been closed to open up.
To open up over your life, to open up in your body, to open up your mind. This is the moment of My children and of The Kingdom of God.”
This is the moment that we will do exploits in this world and they will know that there is a God and they will recognize that He is in you, and He is living big and strong in the midst of you.
“Shew me a token for good; that they which hate me may see it, and be ashamed: because thou, Lord, hast helped me, and comforted me,” Psalm 86:17.
“Behold, I AM doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert,” Isaiah 43:19.
“For God is not unrighteous to forget or overlook your labor and the love which you have shown for His name’s sake in ministering to the needs of the saints (His own consecrated people), as you still do,” Hebrews 6:10.
~ Debra Lowe
Pastor Debra Lowe has served The LORD for 39 years as a Prophet to the nation. She also walks in the office of teacher and is an intercessor using these gifts to minister to the body of Christ, teaching men, women and children to enter into His presence causing them to mature and be changed by His Word. As a servant of the Most High God she brings forth a word in due season to the body of Christ.
That word is so amazing. But it is just a word like all other words which never come true. If Jesus HAS come with his rewards and never forgets his promises, then why am I still in the furnace of affliction? Why am I still so persecuted and suffering. Why did none of God’s promises came true? Did I miss anything? I don’t understand. God bless you all
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