HomeProphecyHaving a Little Talk With Jesus Will Turn Your Page!


Having a Little Talk With Jesus Will Turn Your Page! — 17 Comments

  1. Im holding on for the ride and expectation, my beloved sister that we will finish our race well together! Sweetest blessings and honor to you as you move forward! Sometimes I can’t wait to cross that finish line.. More than anything I long to hear the Lord say well done my good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of the Lord! We are pressing in and on in truth and in spirit. I love you sister. ❤️

  2. Ah Sandi, if you only knew how this word ministers to me.  The timing of it… only God can do that!  Thank you and God bless this chapter for you and all of us!

    • Dear Diane, I just love how alike we all are in so many ways and yet how different, unique and set apart. Isn’t it amazing that our Father treats us all equal when it comes to direction, love, correction and restorationl So true that His timing is different for each of us but it is always on time. One thing about this word is we are all stepping into the end-times and the fulfillment of our purpose and call. Blessings abundant, Sandi

    • This is a timely message, it really ministers to me, as God is talking to me directly. Thank you and God bless you

  3. „For all who read this,“ the Lord said….!
    So it is for me too, Sandi.
    Yesterday, after 14 days of suffering strong pain again i told the Lord with tears flowing, that if He does not step in soon I will forget about the dream and caling about Revival flwoing through our house and yard downtown and more of our calling, because our strength and energy is so under attack now that over the waiting we have become 72 and 77!
    I was so so desperate as the attacks on health were relentless and growing in intensity since 22 years here.
    I needed this word.

    • Dear Dorothea, so sorry for the pain but looking so forward to your GAIN. It has been many tears, tests, trials, and much strenghtening, enabling, renewing, refreshing, and encouraging times from the Lord of all but I have to believe since I turned 81 this year, His timing is perfect. You are much loved, sweet lady. Know that I am standing in prayer with you, Sandi

  4. You have my name and number Lord!
    My horse is saddled and freshly shod!
    Awaiting Your orders and the trumpet to sound!
    Ready to ride!
    Amen and Amen!!
    Thank You Jesus!!
    Thank you Sandi!!

    • Dear Marc, As I read your enthusiastic, on fire comment, I have to say, ‘it made my heart sing’. I believe you are ready to ride the waves of adventure that are set before us in these end-times. I am in your corner cheering you on, my friend. As I leave Kansas, please know I will carry you and Tami in my heart and in my prayers. Sending love, blessings and prayers to you both, Hope to see you soon (I am working out so many details) Sandi

  5. Fantastico! Mi sembra già di volare!
    Grazie Padre per le meraviglie che hai in serbo per i Tuoi figli che perseverano.
    Grazie amata Sandi! Benedizioni♡

    [ HKP : “Fantastic!  I already feel like I’m flying!
    Thank You Father for the wonders You have in store for Your children who persevere.
    Thank you dear Sandi!  Blessings♡” ]

    • Good morning Maranatha, It is time to fly away for sure!! It is destiny fulfillment time and so much more for those who have weathered their storms and persevered! Be blessing for you are highly favored, Sandi

  6. I think it was almost 12-14 years ago that I felt the Lord clearly impress upon my heart to “weather the storms.” I don’t believe I had ever received such a clear message before or after that experience. I was in the midst of what I perceived to be storms then and more fierce ones continued to come my way. After a while, I have just come to accept that storms are part of life. Last year, I experienced the most fierce storm of my life but just at the same time I began to perceive an invitation or a preview of greater intimacy with Jesus. Is my page also about to take a turn after almost 15 years of small and big unceasing storms? I believe in my heart to be so. I yearn for a little chat with Jesus that would forever change my destiny

    • I had such a strong witness in my spirit, J, as I read your comment that YES you are about to take a turn and that chat is right at the door. Many blessings as you move into your destined time, Sandi Holman

      • Dear Sandi, My heart is welled up with gratitude for your words of encouragement. How marvelous and wonderful is our savior’s love for us. Amen and blessings

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