Have Patience and Let the Flesh Die!
People need to read the Bible and get what it is really saying.
If God gave us everything our flesh wanted, then it would never die, and until you learn to die to your flesh and will God cannot present you with his. That is where endurance comes in.
It works patience, because God wants to give you a real relationship based upon real love to do his purposes not fulfill our own. The flesh usually goes out kicking and screaming.
However, if we let patience have her perfect work, we will be entire lacking nothing. When we don’t allow patience to fully develop that is when people fall.
The Bible says he who does not lack patience, will never fall. What a word that is. Too many people lack patience today and refuse to wait upon God, fearing that they are getting too old and that God’s best is going to pass them by. Then they go about their own way and that is when they fall or get less than what God has for them.
Remember Sara? She got impatient while waiting for the promise and she went about to help God out and look at the mess she made. God did not need her help, He needed her to trust Him and wait for the promise to arrive. God always fulfills his promises.
Tribulations work endurance and patience, and patience brings hope and hope brings experience, and finally it brings the true love of God shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Ghost.
Let God complete the work He is doing and do not be moved and He will show you in the end, how his ways are much better than ours.
Believe me, when God knows you are ready, God will release that to you.
Be ye anxious for nothing. God’s timing is always best. That is wisdom!
~ Kimberly Fuller
Amen, this word is a confirmation for me God bless you.