HomeBiblical TeachingGreater Glory Pentecost: Get Ready to Readily Receive


Greater Glory Pentecost: Get Ready to Readily Receive — 3 Comments

  1. Thank you Jacob, for this rich thorough teaching filled with so much understanding for his disciples in this hour of great need of fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit. So grateful for your downloads and book. May the Lord bless you abundantly as you press on to serve Him so faithfully. Sandi

  2. Alleluyah! Questa è la più grande promessa del Signore per i Suoi discepoli degli ultimi tempi! Preghiamo perché presto si adempia…Amen!

    [ HKP : “Halleluyah! This is the Lord’s greatest promise to His disciples in the end days! Let us pray that it will soon be fulfilled… Amen!” ]

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