Grave Clothes Yet Binding
The LORD was talking to me today about CONFUSION and how many are confused and all mixed up having so much trouble that they are all but stopped from any victory walk.
I heard him talking about how many are hurting that are His, and how they need help. This is what He said:
“I speak to the spirits that are not of Me. I know you, you spirits of confusion, lingering long after they are set free.
I see you positioning them by suggestions of confusion which they readily hear again, because in their beginning you held them in such a place of blackness; so easy it is to enter back into the confusion, because they were so used to confusion back then.
Like a Maze to travel through, so confusing to see the way where they are walking, because of the darkened, twisting, and turning ways. The night of confusion where they do walk, I must unravel by My Light.
Walking away from that old way, they still have grave clothes covering their eyes. Unwrap them, I say, unwrap them so they can see.”
* * * * * * *
When Lazarus was raised from the dead and he came forth from the tomb he was still bound with the wrappings, the grave clothes. Jesus turned to his disciples and told them, LOOSE HIM AND LET HIM GO. So it is now when a person does come to The LORD he still has GRAVE WRAPPINGS, the clothing of the dead clinging to him from the grave. The devil had him ALL WARPED UP to spend his life in the confines of the dead. Now that he is alive there is no need of those wrappings.
Many have wondered about the death clothes and why The LORD did not completely deliver him out of them all. It appears, upon a careful study of the custom of burying the dead back then that even the arms and legs were wrapped together and to the body so that the dead body was a mummy figure completely tied up in wrappings. The question is than, if Lazarus was still wrapped up in his grave clothes, HOW DID HE COME OUT OF THE TOMB? The obvious answer is that he did not walk out in his own power but he came out BY THE POWER OF GOD. It has been said that he even FLOATED OUT ON AIR! Well that explanation is not too far fetched when one considers that the Word says, Salvation is only by the Power of the Holy Spirit and man has NO WAY TO WORK HIS WAY TO The LORD. Salvation is not by man walking to God or working but by the blessed Holy Spirit drawing him and enlightening him into new life.
The fact that Lazarus had to be unwrapped, after he came to life, speaks to us about this EARTHLY BODY that The LORD has left us all in, short of total salvation. What I mean by that is THE BODY WAS NOT CHANGED to a heavenly body, only to Spirit and life within. The fact is a person who is saved is SAVED IN THE NEW MAN INSIDE OR HIS SPIRIT MAN, but the Old Man, the body of flesh, must await till it puts on glorification. The scripture says in 1 Corinthians 15 when you carefully read it, the flesh body God gives us all is EARTHLY and is corruptible; it is not a spiritual body. In order for that earthly body to enter into the heavenly it must Die or be Changed. As man has born the image of the earthly they will than later bare the image of the heavenly. Corruption cannot inherit the Kingdom of God but only the Incorruptible can enter into heaven.
Thus we understand that when Lazarus was raised from his tomb of death he did not experience the CHANGE and was not given a INCORRUPTIBLE BODY. He was still not HEAVENLY but was still stinking and in his flesh.
Can you imagine the smell? He had been dead for four days. Well this speaks to me about the TERRIBLE SMELL OF THE LOST. Sin is so terrible for sure. When dealing with the wicked sinner one can smell the terrible odor of death upon them. It can be a grizzly job indeed when one begins to help remove than the grave clothes off that stinking body.
Then comes the terrible thought, what if there was not adequate removal of the grave cloths and the enabling of that person to be free? What if he or she remained WRAPPED AND BOUND with no one to fully help? What if Lazarus stank so bad, nobody wanted to help him? Terrible thought I know, but it could happen and I believe it does. Many today are saved but lack adequate help to walk free from the grave clothing binding them. Because someone was turned away by the smell. I speak of the Flesh. The terrible Flesh which does linger upon each and every one of us even though we are saved and secure in Jesus; no longer dead but alive…. yet bound.
Oh the need of this message. We need to see the need to unwrap them. Is this the cry of the hour? WHERE ARE THOSE WHO CARE NOT TO HANDLE THE DEAD SMELLY CLOTHES and will literally get involved with UNWRAPPING THE ONE SAVED?
Some would even argue that this is not a true understanding of salvation saying, Surely God has done and finished the task. Surely God will finish the job. Well let me remind you again that on that day Lazarus came forth from his sealed tomb, HE HAD TO BE HELPED. God has NOT FINISHED the task, only began the work. We must realize this and be about the task of helping others, now that we are helped, to be victorious over the wrappings which cling to every body coming forth from death.
Now can you see the need for understanding and love? So many people have experienced the CALL which cried out…. LAZARUS, JOE, MARY, BILL, or ________________, COME FORTH, only to find NO BODY, NO CHURCH, to help them. What a pity. What a terrible neglect and shame. Is there no body to help now that one who has come to life in the Spirit. No wonder Jesus said in his great commission to not stop at the preaching and salvation of the souls, but to Baptize them (helping them rise to newness of life), and than TEACHING THEM ALL THINGS which have been commanded in the Word of God.
We now can see what The LORD was speaking when he said, “Like a Maze to travel through, so confusing to see the way where they are walking, because of the darkened, twisting, and turning ways. The night of confusion where they do walk, I must unravel by my Light.
Walking away from that old way, they still have grave clothes covering their eyes. Unwrap them, I say, unwrap them so they can see.”
No wonder so many do get saved and still experience much difficulty. There is STILL THIS OLD FLESH WRAPPED WITH DEATH to deal with. We need to understand this word and MOVE TO BECOME UNWRAPPERS,…. OF THOSE WHO ARE BOUND. Have men not been SET FREE, and are they not ETERNALLY SAVED? Yes, but, The LORD did say, LOOSE THEM AND SET THEM FREE. Yet there remains the task of showing them the WAY by removing the grave cloths from off the eyes so they can see most clearly.
Here is a good BIBLE ILLUSTRATION. Remember Saul who was going on his road down to Damascus to arrest the Christians and have them put to death? Well on his way, Saul did see a great light shining. He fell to the ground, stricken blind. Saul did cry out, Lord, who are you? The LORD answered him by saying, I AM JESUS WHOM YOU PERSECUTE. Well we all know very well the story about how Saul remained blind for three days until Brother Ananias was sent by The LORD to lay hands on Saul’s eyes and give him his sight. Ananias did explain to Saul that he was to be baptized and that he would receive the Holy Spirit. Saul became PAUL. Paul did stand up and become a mighty preacher, perhaps the greatest New Testament Apostle of all! But see him as Saul than one who had to be helped from blindness and had to receive the laying on of hands for the Spirit.. baptized and taught.
How can we not see the need. SO MANY, YES SO VERY MANY, are still struggling to be free… Did not Jesus say to those who followed him, CONTINUE IN MY WORD AND AS MY DISCIPLE AND YOU WILL BE FREE INDEED. Yet, so many, maybe even one reading this message, are NOT HELPING, nor are they even understanding why, why they struggle and yet fall. So many are saying, ARE THEY REALLY SAVED? If they were would they yet be doing what they are doing?
“I speak to the spirits that are not of me. I know you, you spirits of confusion, lingering long after they are set free. I see you positioning them by suggestions of confusion which they readily hear again, because in their beginning you held them in such a place of blackness; so easy it is to enter back into the confusion, because they were so used to confusion back then.”
I heard The LORD talking about the evil spirits not of him who were now bringing CONFUSION back and causing these people to LINGER AFTER THEY ARE SET FREE. I heard him speaking about how they are SUGGESTING IN THE EARS OF THE NEWBORN… WORDS OF CONFUSION. The LORD spoke about the fact that in this place it is so easy to be drawn back to where they were because it is the place they have always known. Back to confusion because they were used to that place. We must understand that they are WRAPPED AND BOUND and even though they are SAVED, they still need help. The demons do attack right at that moment to draw them back.
But thank God, The LORD will not let them fall but he will send a Brother or Sister to help. Will you be such a Brother, a good Samaritan who will bend down and help? Will you forget the stink, and work to remove the cloths that bind? WILL YOU? If not The LORD must call upon another. You could loose your reward by not responding. Even some have gone around the other way, because they did not wish to get involved. !!!!!!!!!
We need UNDERSTANDING that there is a WORK TO DO YET. We must help them. We must UNWRAP THEM AND LOOSE THEM AND HELP THEM WALK. Even as a new born baby must have a loving mother to feed, change, and wash him, so does a new born baby in Christ need help.
Let us do this work. If you have got a weak stomach and hate the smell, than get a clothes pin and pin your nose. But remember, you once needed help yourself……..
~ Desert Prophet Ken Dewey
The light will shine in His glory… In the desert.
Evangelist/ Prophet/ Pastor Ken Dewey is the founder of “OUT OF THE DESERT MINISTRIES“ in Belen, New Mexico, USA.
He writes on Facebook and Prophetic Words, Sermons and Teachings while leading people into true Church settings and preaching in an End Time Gospel Tent Ministry.
For more information and messages, please visit
I am so blessed by this sermon. Can I borrow it and use it here in Kenya? God bless you!!
Dear Pastor George,
You have our full approval to freely use all materials on this website for the glory of The LORD and the expansion of His Kingdom on earth.
Blessings in Christ!