Got religious B.O.? You just need a quick shower
Those times when you are not working that hard, but just time, air and touching life, have left enough foreign deposits on your body, that you don’t feel clean. Those are the times when you say, let me take a quick shower.
Your soul is no different than your body when it comes to needing a quick shower once in a while. The air is polluted with evil and unclean spirits of all kinds, because of the prince of the power of the air, and the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience, Ephesians 2:2.
There are contaminating spirits everywhere, except in the presence of angels in the high praises of God, Deuteronomy 28:7. Every believer gets dirty from brushing against gossip, overhearing filthy language, and accidentally seeing inappropriate things. Soiled souls can also develop from entering into an argument, loosing your temper, and failure to be completely honest. Religious contamination, also comes from dealing with a controlling spirit, or a Jezebel spirit, causing you to do things because someone told you to, even when you had no peace about it.
When you sense the grime building up, do not tolerate it, take a quick shower, “by washing with the water of the word so that I can sanctify and cleanse your soiled soul,” Ephesians 5:26, You can also take a quick shower by getting alone and praising Me, because I am holy, and I inhabit the praises of My people, Psalm 22:3.
However religious body odor stemming from condemning words from the lips of Jezebel, or being ignored or being tolerated is a little harder to remove. You may need some, ointment and perfume that rejoice the heart: and a dab of sweetness of a spiritual friend’s hearty counsel, Proverbs 27:9.
On the job, use your coffee breaks and lunch hour, go to a private place and shower in the word. After visiting friends or in a church service that heresy is being preached, shower off right after, with 30 minutes of praise.
Warning: If you need to use perfume after leaving a place filled with controlling spirits, don’t return because eventually you will be permanently ensnared by a leviathan spirit! Job 41:1-10. Leviathan uses a combination of manipulation, intimidation, and flattery far to strong for the believer to overcome!
If you take a couple of quick showers today and every day, it will prevent spiritual body odor, namely a stinking attitude. Instead of your smell turning your friends, family and coworkers off, you will draw them with the sweet smelling fragrance of love, a lovely odor that never fails!
~ Jim Hammerle
Jim Hammerle (1941-2017) began ministry working with David Wilkerson and Nicky Cruz, founding Teen Challenge Philadelphia. 6 times in the mission field pastoring a mission ship, 15 years with tv and radio, teaching, and preaching. As a retired businessman, Jim helped to feed widows and orphans in Uganda, helping Muslims find the Jesus who fed them. He became His banker and was privileged to give His money away, wherever He decided, so he also helping to build an orphanage in Haiti and investing in lives in the USA. Totally in love with his Lord, at age 73 he served in ministry at Victory Christian Church and lived every hour listening for his Heavenly Father’s voice. Jim passed away on May 23, 2017 to be with the LORD. |
God Bless you Brother,
Yes, we need to abide in the Word just as the Lord says;
“the book of this law doth not depart out of thy mouth, and thou hast meditated in it by day and by night, so that thou dost observe to do according to ALL that is written in it, for THEN thou dost cause thy way to prosper, and THEN thou dost act wisely Joshua 1:8