HomeProphecyGood Things in Store for You!


Good Things in Store for You! — 2 Comments

  1. “Do not let the enemy hurl accusations upon you” – Yes, beloved, I take care ! Oh how much jealousy and accusations I experienced among brothers and sisters. The enemy is mostly not the demonic possessed unbeliever. Paul warned us about those who left the way of love and who easily fall into the back of the true saints. So many now throw in, whenever they find an opportunity, their two pence of secular sayings. Among the so called “pagans / nations” I found more love than anywhere else. So the LORD knows, my task first and foremost was and is among the nations. This also is biblical. We are wanderers on this planet. Israel had to wander in exile and were / are outcasts everywhere. They lived in tents and not in fine buildings. Always insecure, no safe places. BUT GOD…. one day soon His children will inhabit the finest homes, along golden streets. I am not gaining for gold. I just gain for His wisdom and peace. This world is not my home.

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