HomeProphecyGone Today is Much True Fear of The LORD in the Lands!


Gone Today is Much True Fear of The LORD in the Lands! — 6 Comments

  1. I bear witness with this Joyce and Sandi.

    Thank you both for your bold and tender faithfulness in this generation.

    “Us old timers…” LOL Time has passed so quickly it would seem. I am seeing more and more clearly it is only when the body gains an insatiable hunger for Him and His embrace.. and true intimacy, will we look to hear what the prophetic heart of Father is saying… and then act upon it.

    All in time. Again, thank you for this word in season. It is a breath of fresh Love and Air.  It is still a time to sow. I pray we see the reaping :)

    Your brother in NY,


    • Please forgive me David. I’m so behind on replies! Your input is as always valuable to me as each one’s response. I love reading all you post my friend, as you go to a deeper level surely in Him! God bless you.

  2. Dear Joyce, when I heard that Shofar, chills filled my whole body and the fear of the Lord began to speak to me of the solemn assembly time we are in…may we all search our hearts if there be anything we need to repent of. May we stand our watch faithfully in this needful time of judgment and soul seeking and searching. THank you for this Godly warning. Your friend and sister, Sandi

    • Precious saint, child of God and my beloved friend! Thank you Sandi for your affirmation in the Kingdom of God! Yes, it is the Holy Fear of God for sure being released on the Shofar sound being blowed!

  3. Dear Joyce, Such serious and solemn times.
    As you have shared, there is only one door and one answer..  Very concerning about N.Y. 
    Loved hearing the Shofar! 
    We must stay on the wall and press in all the more speaking the truth on love.
    Thank you for sharing, Joyce.  Keep sounding the alarm. ❤️

    • Absolutely we must stay on the wall on our post! Patricia it reminds me of Nehemiah and how they built the wall. I remember many years ago how the Lord had me on that for weeks studying it. Thankful for you sister and it is a honor to know you through HKP. Prayers and blessings, Joyce ❤️

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