Going Beyond the Celebrations of Certain Dates and Customs
Every year we celebrate the risen LORD on Resurrection Day.
I say Resurrection Day because the term Easter, is a pagan holiday commemorated from Ishtar, the Assyrian and Babylonian goddess of fertility and sex.
But even though many may not celebrate the true meaning of the resurrection of Christ, we should realize what He has done each and every day of the year.
It has always amazed me, year after year, as people say, “He has risen, He has risen indeed.”
And I think to myself, ‘Well yes He has risen, but didn’t we already know this?’
But you see, it’s like any other holiday or season that rolls around on a given day.
Most somehow forget the fact of these things, only to remember them on this day that happens only once a year.
We all have birthdays and we celebrate them on that particular date of our birth. All of the events from Thanksgiving, to Memorial Day, to St.Patrick’s Day, are celebrated and remembered as a holiday when that day arrives.
I guess we are creatures who follow customs and our history dictates these things for us as a people.
But these are the traditions of man and as such many fall in step with them, thinking that this gives us a purpose and a reason for our existence.
Jesus told His disciples when He broke bread with them in the upper room,
“And He took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, ‘This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of Me‘. Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, ‘This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you,'” Luke 22:19-20.
This was an important event for the disciples to remember, and now as we look back, the celebration of the body and blood of Christ given for us, should far outweigh any commemoration of any holiday or date that many tend to celebrate.
The same should be said of Passover or the events leading up to the cross.
Certain events like these should be etched in our memories and minds as considerations to dwell upon much more than those other things that fall upon the calendar throughout the year.
There’s nothing wrong with celebrating the date that falls upon Easter Sunday, when one considers it to be the season of death and resurrection.
But when Monday and the rest of the week rolls along, why not remember the fact that He has already risen?
Why not remember the fact that the empty tomb is still ever-present and that He is no longer dead?
Why not consider the fact that those passages of which thousands of preachers speak of on that Sunday sermon, are things that we should already know?
Perhaps it is way past the time that we should still be feeding upon milk, but now we should be eating meat?
Otherwise, every year we will go through the same sermons and the same stories, only to realize that we already know these things.
What else can we do to commemorate the life, death and resurrection of the Living Lord?
Little girls will still wear their new dresses and bonnets, and many will explore looking for colored eggs, and families will have their special dinners with the family.
The customs and the traditions will come and go, and then another day will be celebrated as it has for hundreds of times before.
Maybe we can at some point go beyond the holidays of man and find meaning in living our lives out in a way that is pleasing to Him, rather than just a certain day of the year.
First published: April 2, 2018.
~ Stephen Hanson
Stephen Hanson of In His Truth Ministries came to The LORD is a special way in 1975 and has prophesied regularly since. In these end-time birthing pangs we are reminded that judgment must first begin with the household of God. Will we be prepared and ready?
Stephen is a full-time Artist of original architectural, landscape, portrait, still-life and spiritual oil paintings, available at StephenHansonArtist.com
There’s nothing wrong with celebrating cyclically. The OT feasts were all about that, and ordained by God.
For God ‘seekers’: Passover celebrates death of Jesus Easter – The Resurrection – study Jewish calendar vs Western calendar’
Acts 12:4 – God doesn’t mind if we say Easter – it’s not what we say…it’s what we Believe
Religion looks back in commemoration – Relationship w/God looks forward w/manifestation of revelation in The Resurrection and Life – understanding if He got UP – so can we. John 11:25
Acts 12:4 KJV (Easter) Acts 12:4 NKJV