God’s Plan
Have you ever felt like you’re watching your plans die in front of you?
It can be extremely frustrating, because we are taught to be organized and strategic.
My friend Rachel planned to retire from the company that she worked for . Unfortunately, the company folded and she lost her job and her retirement. That wasn’t in her plans.
I have another friend who will remain anonymous. She and her husband planned to have a baby after at least three years. They purchased a house based on their plans.
They designed a nursery based on their plans. They set up a trust fund based on their plans. They even had a child as planned, but the baby’s life was short lived due to medical complications. That wasn’t in the plan.
My father had plans to retire from a company called Amcor and then retire from ministry 5-10 years later. Then he found out that had cancer. That wasn’t in the plan.
We’ve all encountered moments when we’ve had to live in the aftermath of failed plans. We’ve failed tests that we prepared for.
Some of our dreams have become ‘a nightmare on Elm Street.’ We’ve had high hopes that have driven us to low valleys.
Failures and unmet expectations have driven many individuals (even Christian individuals) to suicide.
- So what’s the solution?
- Do we all gang up on God and ask for a redo?
- Do you start a GoFund Me for a hot tub time machine to change our past?
- Do we have a temper tantrum and deflect our pain on everyone because life didn’t go as planned?
I would like to propose a thought that may put an ease to your anxiety: maybe your plans were suppose to fail.
I know that you’ve prayed about it. I know you put a praise on it. I know you put it on your vision board.
But, what if God’s plan was to make sure that your plans failed?
What if the journey that has led us to failed plans were premeditated?
Could it be that our plans have to die so that the will of God for our life can be made manifest.
Maybe you’re reading this and you feel like you’ve had enough of positivity.
You hate your job. You’re not making enough money. Your precious child that you wrapped in swaddling clothes has been acting like Chuckie. You want to do more, but you don’t have time because you’re always taking care of everyone else.
I understand that and I believe there is a solution for you.
Remember my friend Rachel that I mentioned a few paragraphs ago? She’s now a successful entrepreneur with multiple international businesses.
Remember the family I mentioned a few paragraphs ago? They had another child and then they adopted three more.
All of them experienced an unexpected change of plans. It was rough, but it was worth it in the end.
Isn’t that what the Apostle Paul was alluding to in Romans 8:28?
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to this purpose.”
Here’s your prophetic word:
“Breakthrough is here. What you’ve been praying for is already in motion.
Don’t be discouraged by your calculations of time, money and space.
I, The LORD, will finish what I’ve begun.”
God is calling the Joseph’s out of the pit and the Elijah’s out of the cave.
Step out on faith and believe the promise of God.
You can’t foresee how God is going to bring his word to pass, you just need to believe that he will.
Wipe your tears. Dust off your Bible. It’s all in God’s plan. ❤️
~ Dee Evans
Dr. Dee Evans is the founder of Dee Evans Ministries International and Koinonia Training and Consulting. She currently mentors ministers and leaders throughout the USA, Africa, and Pakistan. With a passion for training prophets and leaders for the 21st century church. Her ministry emphasizes the importance of worship, prayer, intercession, and deliverance. Chesapeake, VA.
Email: contact@thedeeevans.com
Amen Sister! I also choose to Believe that BREAKTHROUGH IS Breaking Thru for Me also & it’s ALL Workimg for My GOOD even NOW!!!
Yes. Thank you our God. We love you. May your will be done in our lives and not our will. Thank you sister for the wonderful words of encouragement. God bless.
Thanking God for this Word! So on time and “right in my face”. Blessings to you!!!