God’s Spirit Strategies for Creating Kingdom Order in 2019
Wisdom from above is streaming down from heaven. A Spirit atmosphere of creative strategic energy is releasing toward Planet Earth.
God is revealing living details of ways beyond the ways of the current world order. Gifted sons with ears to hear are receiving patterns of much greater ways and methods of life in the world than those previously employed by mankind, (James 3:17-18, Matthew 13:9-13.
Specially prepared apostolic type forerunners have been planting the pattern in pioneers in recent decades.
Beginning as of the 8th of November, 2018, a new strategic season was birthed.
The flood of Kingdom love is flowing a totally new and sometimes very different atmosphere into the hearts of prepared pioneers.
It is bringing wise and powerful systems of heaven’s order changing how we think and move.
In 2019, we are moving forward and upward into more of Kingdom reality.
Severe change in 2019, as the new season of Kingdom continues to interrupt the status quo with divine ways of thinking, doing, and being.
Love will replace fear and hate. Many who secretly and inwardly despised others who are different will experience the love power of God changing their hearts.
The new ways will provide a new foundational purpose and value to life in this world.
Instead of the foundation of each individual’s personal concern for wellbeing and pleasure driven desires, the guiding purpose of life will rest upon the foundation of love for God, love for His people, and love for His created world.
Whether we have little or a lot, whether we are abased or abounding will not affect our demeanor.
The love power of God will sustain and enable us to complete the assignment God has given into our hands, (Philippians 4:4-13).
The new concepts and ideas flowing in on the Spirit airways will be quickly activated and implemented into our hearts and lives in 2019.
In the years beyond 2019, the fullness of these new strategies will fully take hold in this world.
This will move the kingdom into the settlement and establishment stage in which that which was planted inwardly and grew deep roots will grow up into the order of the land.
This world is the site upon which the Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven is being built.
The great mountain of the kingdom cannot be set upon any religious or secular structure that currently exists.
At best, and generally speaking, the major religions of the world have been a sort of ground covering preserving the site.
Each of them have had some measures of truth as an improvised temporary structure or covering mixed with the weakness of darkness and lack.
The clearing of the land is part of the preparation that could not be done until the Spirit reality of the Kingdom was implanted in the hearts and lives of the forerunners and the pioneers.
The ways of God’s Kingdom will now begin to be planted in the settlers who will be less mobile than the forerunners and pioneers.
However, they will be more specific and detailed as the practical establishment of the Kingdom in the land is in their hands.
The ground covering along with the darkness and weakness (weeds) growing up within the ground covering must be removed.
All that is within the religions and secular structures that was not planted by God is being plucked up by the angels, (Matthew 13:24-30).
Those things that are of God must be transformed, regenerated, made new by the love power of the word of the kingdom.
Many believers who receive the word of the kingdom will be changed and will transition into the new kingdom reality.
Many, if not multitudes of believers, who will not make the transition will be taken to their reward in heaven. This is not a bad thing. It is a God thing for them.
Simply their work on earth will be finished as they enter into the rest of God in heaven.
Even Kingdom forerunners will be leaving as pioneers and settlers continue the work in the kingdom establishment, (Matthew 24:40-41).
The magnitude of this earth cleansing is beyond the grid of human understanding.
It cannot be viewed from the perspective of human limited understanding and earthly values.
Only from beneath the shadow of the Almighty, deeply in love with God as one viewing from His perspective of heaven on earth, can we see the end of the wicked and live, (Psalm 91).
God is not willing that any should perish but that all should turn and come with their whole hearts to Him through Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit.
Embrace the king and His Kingdom now to rule and reign with Him forever.
Cleansing fires driven by winds of change clear the land of the brambles of disordered life that have grown into place.
Cleansing floods will wash over the low lands of degenerated life structure.
The more stable strong structures of disorder that will not come down by wind and fire will be shaken into shambles from beneath by strong pulses of quakes and from above by explosive fire.
These are the beginnings of that which is to come, (Matthew 24, Hebrews 12:25-29).
All of this cleansing is for the purpose of making room for the new world ordered by love and aligned with the word and patterns of the kingdom of heaven.
The beauty of the Love of God will arise from the ashes of the world order that was.
The Kingdom of God world order of love, which is, righteousness, peace and joy in The Holy Spirit of God, shall inherit the land of this world, (Isaiah 61:1-4, Romans 14:17).
Christ Jesus, Yeshua Messiah, shall rule and reign on earth and of His Kingdom there is no end.
Arise with a shout of praise to our God! The Kingdom of God is coming forth! And we get to be a part!
In this time of transition we are supercharged with the love, strength, and power from heaven to accomplish uncommon miracles of the works of Christ to sustain, protect, and deliver the people of God.
Grace empowerment beyond our imagination will be upon and within those who remain.
Holy angels will have charge over us. Our hearts will not fail, but we will continuously bask in the love power of perfect peace in the midst of apocalyptic cataclysmic events.
There will be NO FEAR for our lives nor for the lives of anyone or anything else.
There will be NO FALSE responsibility to protect the wicked.
The love of God sustains us at all times. All of the people of God who are lost from the world are immediately with God in heaven.
Truly this is one of the most glorious of historical times on Planet Earth as the rule of heaven is being reinstated over all creation in this world.
“Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom,” Luke 12:32.
Be made whole in His love,
~ Ron McGatlin
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Ron McGatlin Ron has over 62 years of seeking to serve God in ministry and business. Barbara has served in pastoral and Christian education positions for over 10 years. They currently make their home in the foot hills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina, USA. Ron has written 5 books on revival and the in-breaking kingdom and continues to write powerful apostolic/prophetic articles published weekly in the OpenHeaven.com Digest.