The God of the Possible!
I AM the GOD of the possible, and nothing is impossible for Me, says the LORD.
I AM the GOD of the positive, and I need no negativity, for it is not of Me. I AM the GOD of the GOOD, and evil is not in My Kingdom.
I AM the God that heals, for healing is the bread for My children, not sickness.
I AM a wealthy GOD, and not impoverished.
I AM the GOD of glory, and vain glory is not of My making.
I AM unlimited in space and time. NOTHING is beyond My authority, My power, My infinite Wisdom or control.
I make something out of nothing, just by speaking it. I need no help, and I can create anything and everything as I please.
I AM limitless in the lives of all who trust in Me, and there are no boundaries to My ability, says the LORD.
Do you understand My infinite power? Do you have a glimpse of My glory? For it is vast and beyond your present perspective, says the LORD.
Come up higher so you can see further. Stand up, and get on the tips of your toes and stretch yourself. Look further and see! LOOK UP!
The sky is NOT the limit! I made the heavens and the earth. Your greatest telescopes cannot see, and your greatest minds cannot know, and your greatest instructors cannot teach or fathom My power, or know what I have created.
I AM your GOD! As you set your sights higher onto Me, you will begin to change. You will see what you did not see, know what you did not know, understand what you could not.
But this is only the beginning of the new that I have for you. So get ready to climb, and as you stand on the highest peak, get ready to fly like an eagle as I carry you to new heights of My glory, show you the mysteries that I have sealed up, and share My heart with you.
Come as a child and learn of Me, and fly with Me to greater heights, and know that I alone AM able to give you the keys to My Kingdom that will not only unlock doors for you, but unlock YOU, and bring you into the new that I have ready to reveal to you, says the LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
All Praise and Honor Belong to You Lord Jesus Christ, Now and Forever!!!