God Is the Boss, Not Us
We must remember, God is the boss, not us.
Pride comes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. God created us, WE did not create Him. Grace is not a license to sin. The only reason God did not DESTROY NINEVEH, is because Nineveh REPENTED, (Jonah 1-4).
Jonah (the Prophet) was mad because GOD forgave them AFTER they Repented of their wickedness and HE held back HIS righteous judgment. God is sovereign! We need to stay in our lane.
People are angry about the presidency and you are in error, says the LORD. The Spirit of the LORD spoke to me a few weeks ago and said, His mercy IS repentance (turning away from OUR sin). Stop speaking evil or it will come upon you. (Galatians 6:9).
Many are also putting their mouths on God’s people. PEOPLE, PLEASE WAKE UP, (2 Chronicles 7:14). I must obey God and speak what He says, (Isaiah 58:1). Plotting evil and wickedness in your heart is Evil. I have no choice but to obey God and SPEAK.
Psalm 51: Pray it and ask Him to heal your heart, Heal your brokenness. The spirit of offense is dangerous. Guard your heart for out it flows the issues of life.
Let God be GOD in your life. He knows all things. If you are on the right side of the fence you will WIN, says the LORD, but if you are on your wrong side you will Lose.
God will honor your REPENTANCE. Complete turning away. So whatever it is that has offended Him. Turn away NOW! Please take heed, this is straight from the Mouth of God.
Please share this message and lets pray for hearts to be convicted. The blood will not be on my hands. Selah
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God does not have to ask our permission before HE makes a move. He is the ultimate strategist and will always MOVE according to a Bigger plan.
I don’t care how prophetic WE are! Even True Prophets will NOT see or understand it ALL. We know in part and prophesy in part. But if we really want to WIN, in 2017, we must remember the name of the game is TOTAL SURRENDER — YES!
Have you given him your YES?
Can you trust HIM and let HIM LEAD?
“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine “own understanding.” In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he (GOD) shall direct thy paths,” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
He really does know the End before the Beginning. TRUST HIM. TRUST HIM!
Stop looking at where YOU are NOW. And FOCUS on where He is taking You beloved.
The first shall be last and the LAST — FIRST.
~ Apostle-Prophetess Adrianne Kendell
Crown Jewel Ministries.
Where living Gems become Eternal. Agape.
End Time Apostle-Prophet Adrianne Kendell
Sister, I enjoy reading your posts, find them meaningful, and take them to heart. I sense this one was was difficult for you in ways I can’t fully understand. Experientially, I do understand that obedience to the Lord can be emotionally difficult in several ways. Thank you…you are the Lord’s sweetheart – that is what I just heard.