God is pouring out His Spirit to overflowing!
I’m sitting here this morning, pondering on so many things right now. The atmosphere of newness has erupted like an explosion in my life.
God is absolutely pouring out His Spirit in a measure that is overflowing. What I love is how so much is coming together because of walking in God’s spiritual and natural obedience.
Being under the control of His Holy Spirit requires a greater commitment level. So many people are wanting to be used by God, but don’t want to walk in the depth of the sacrifice and dedication that is necessary for them to remain steadfast stable unmovable and unbreakable in their purpose and destiny.
There are far too many selling out to the pressure of wanting to be accepted by people, so they are compromising and walking in a lesser dimension of holiness and righteousness, because they want to fit in with groups fellowships denominations and ministries to obtain fame fortune and platforms.
They would rather sell their spiritual birthright and forfeit their spiritual inheritance, than to feel like a outcast, or to be different. It is my ability to maintain my spiritual identity, that God has made and fashioned me to be, that keeps me acceptable and pleasing to the Father.
The approval and love of God for me, as I humbly submit in obedience to His perfect will for my life, far outweighs the persecution slanders gossip pain and spiritual abuse that is afflicted upon me. because I cry out against the sins and iniquities of the people who have polluted God’s church.
No amount of money, fame or applause, can cause me to make a agreement with Satan to compromise my beliefs in God or His word. There is absolutely nothing in this whole world, that can draw me away from my relationship with God, and believe me when I say that even the threat of death, could not make me deny my God.
I have experienced so much in this walk with God; have had visitations and encounters in the Spirit, that have settled any arguments that Satan and man could try to use ,to try and turn me from God.
When you have experience the love of God for real, seen His mighty hand perform miracles, even to bringing you back from the death three times, you formed a love, respect, admiration, and devotion to Him, that can’t be destroyed.
People, if you don’t have a solid, sure, strong foundation with God, then you won’t be able to survive the attacks pressure and terror of the enemy in this hour. We are losing too many, because they have a form of godliness and because they don’t have a true secure relationship with God. They are tossed by every wind and doctrine and captured and overtaken by every temptation.
Jesus came to set us free from Satan. He has did all He is going to do for us, to have eternal life. The rest is up to us making the decision to live for Him.
I’m excited about this new season the changes that have taken place. For those who have shifted, no need to explain, to those that haven’t, or won’t. Continue to flow grow and advance as The LORD continues to take you into higher heights and deeper depths of knowing Him.
I’m telling you, this journey of getting closer to Him is amazing mind blowing and breathtaking. Why don’t you join those that are seeking searching and receiving more and more of The LORD!
I am not going out of this month empty
~ Apostle Barbara R. Thomas
I felt the Holy Spirit heavily yesterday also, it was awesome. I always love reading your words. The are encouraging. Thanks for standing firm.
Thank you very much for these awesome words. Hope is rising! I will be getting close with him my dearest sister. May the Lord keep you and bless you. Hallelujah!