HomeProphecyGo Ahead and Rise Up!


Go Ahead and Rise Up! — 11 Comments

  1. My dear sister, Joyce, As I read this serious warning word, the Lord spoke plainly to me to pray on this line..The ‘Remnant’ shall be spared from many things if they but heed the sound of My Voice directing them and they obey what I speak. KEY PRAYER that WE, the REMNANT obey!! THanks for sharing and telling it just like it is. Jerusalem, O Jerusalem. Love you..praying in agreement. Sandi

    • Yes Sandi, thank you. That is key for sure! I appreciate you coming by and holding my hands up. I’m a little behind but want to read your latest post. I know you have the Father’s heart! Prayers and always kindred spirits in the Lord. I love you sister. ❤️

  2. We need to reach out to others at every opportunity given to us. The Lord is doing great things in our midst! We pray for the peace in Jerusalem and ask for angels to assist in every way!
    Many blessings and love!

    • Amen, Diane yes we do! I love you sister and most dear friend. You are certainly a voicepiece for the Lord to constantly be searching for souls.

  3. Dear Joyce,

    Greetings Sister.

    When you quoted from Luke 13 – that very scriptures been in my heart for the last few days. It is said that the times change, but people do not. Every generation needs a fresh gospel explosion, b/c the human heart still thinks it can solve the world’s Evils by reason and human means. Of course, only the gospel applied can deliver and redeem.

    We seek His truth and discernment on the times we are in. I can’t count the number of times The Lord has taken me to Jeremiah 23 – in the last decade or so. I believe the prophets and seers and shepherds on this hour and need (including myself) to get daily before His presence – to daily, rightly divide His desperately needed Word- in our time.

    Thank you for your obedience to speak the truth plainly. Godspeed

    • Elizabeth it is my desire to be obedient as you are also. Thank you too for your steadfastness and faithfulness to our Lord. Hugs, Joyce

    • Think my comment disappeared, Elizabeth? You are most welcome, and thank God for your obedience and steadfastness in Jesus Christ.Feel the kindred spirit! Hugs and love, Joyce

  4. Noticing people’s reaction here to ministry invitations can create withdrawals, for what-ever reasons. Personally handing an invitation some recoil whereas others simply say thank you. But those recoiled to strike out create isolation pockets within themselves. What caused the recoil, most have no idea but it’s plainly there, driving them deeper within, into solitude. Explore the why’s, dig deep into prayer and Bible reading, God’s word can create abundantly, causing one to spring forth triumphant and flourish, making new friendships, healing wounds and enjoying life.

    • If one thing I know about you Betty, is how you love & stand on the Word of God so strong! Glad we met finally in person. Blessings and love in our Lord.

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