HomeProphecyGet Ready — for the Giant is Now Waking!


Get Ready — for the Giant is Now Waking! — 11 Comments

  1. To the questions of what is the sleeping giant referring to, what came to mind for me is the Tommy Hicks prophecy which refers to the Church of Jesus Christ as a “Sleeping Giant. This makes sense as we are called to occupy until He comes. As of yet we’re not seeing this, but since failure doesn’t exist within our Lord I believe we’re about to see what no eye has seen nor ear has heard….on the other hand….we ain’t seen nothen yet!!

    • I think you are right Cherish Berge, that it is the Body of Christ. She needs to wake up and occupy; declare the Word of God, take dominion. Enough apathy & sleeping.  Yes Yes.

    • There is an ancient legend in England that in the last days and times of desperate need for England, King Arthur would arise to save the kingdom. He was a real dark age king who helped unite England and defend after the close of the Roman occupation.

  2. Praise God for the shakings…….brace yourselves, watch, pray, get ready and trust. hallelujah for change and new things!!

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