Generation Next: Every Joint Supplying
I heard The LORD say, “”Generation next” and “Set in motion” — I want you to lead an intensive!” [A Leadership Intensive]
I was quite taken aback with this directive from The LORD, but could feel the pieces and the pathway coming together rapidly in my thinking.
Then all of a sudden He took me back into a memory as an eighth grader where I had been running track.
The grade twelve team was short a member because of injury, and they asked me at the last minute if I could “sub third”.
I took it on, naive as I was, and ran with all that I had in me! I held our place so that the last grade twelve girl could “take it home” for a second place regional finish, and then I collapsed.
I absolutely blacked out with exhaustion, but I was so happy to have run a race beyond what I thought I could do.
I played my little part for the ones with the real talent and skill, and they were able to hold their place.
It made me think of our work as members in the Body of Christ. The goal is for “every joint to supply”, so that we all “become”…. like …Him…and grow up into the fullness of Christ.
He’s not looking for superstars, He’s looking for those simple little vessels who will give their wholehearted “yes” as He uses them when and where He pleases to build, encourage and strengthen the Body of Christ… so that we all come into full stature in Christ…. a fully mature Bride.
Integrated healing and wholeness Intensive
After a tough steady climb, The LORD showed me that as a little group we had come to successfully navigate some of the higher mountain peaks.”
We were coming to the final phase of a (current) five-week online Spiritual intensive with a few “leadership gals” from different places around the globe.
We had been diving into the “Kingdom coming among us” with an “Integrated approach to healing and wholeness”.
The video selections included short teaching from Ken Fish, Derek Prince, Vlad Savchuck, and Neville Johnson.
The goal: to bring Kingdom healing, deliverance and wholeness “to our door” and in the process increase our faith expectation to destroy the works of the enemy and bring The LORD’s goodness to all the places that Father has called us to.
Mountain Alps Vision
I was just worshipping with The LORD a couple of mornings ago, thanking Him for each of the women in our little Intensive, and asking Him His thoughts regarding our endeavors… as we would be soon coming to a close.
He gave me a quick beautiful vision as I was contemplating what had been transpiring.
In the vision, He took me high up into the Alps, I could see that the snow had melted, I could feel promise.
I was just coming out of a quaint Alpine cabin onto a little balcony overlooking the hills below.
The old fashioned wooden shutters on the front windows had hand-carved hearts in them.
I took in a deep breath of fresh mountain air, and just felt fully alive! I could see in the vision that my hair was a deep, rich auburn color, shiny and carefully coifed as if from the late 40’s.
I had a glistening ivory vest on over a slim sweater and skirt. The vest was richly embroidered in deep velvety florals that were almost alive.
I felt that I was to look up each of the symbols:
- High terrain — Alps: Going higher in The LORD, a difficult climb, requiring skill and determination.
- Quaint cabin: This intensive was like a focused retreat.
- Rich auburn hair: depth, beauty, refined ways. (This is a reflection of the depth of interaction between the women.)
- Pearlized ivory vest: A polished approach, expressing careful attention and deep care. (I knew that this was a desire of my heart in putting the intensive together.)
- Rich, Living Embroidery: These were the beautiful contributions of each of the women that had shared their heart testimonies and teachings from their own lives.
Every joint supplying: different ways of hearing and seeing:
It’s so wonderful to cultivate spiritual and emotional closeness in a small group, and come to see the different ways that people see, hear and experience the leading of Holy Spirit.
One of the gals in the intensive received confirmation dreams from start to finish about the group forming, the nature of the work, and what Holy Spirit was doing amongst us .
The groundwork in the intensive involved healing of past emotional wounds, and freedom from sin patterns.
As we delved further into difficult areas, relationships etc. it seemed that there was a longing for husbands to come into the same level of freedom as the women, and the overarching question: “How would we begin to prepare the ground intentionally to allow for this to happen in The LORD?”
Dream confirmations from one of the participants, Beth.
Last night I heard the word “Pray-emptive” (obviously a wordplay on preemptive)… which tied into some of the teachings from this week.
Preemptive: an action taken to prevent an other action from happening…..
In this case: prayer as risk mitigational warfare.
January 24, 2025 Dream
Dream last night: (I’m certain Shelley, you were the Mom figure in it.)
On a snowy steep hill, evening. A group of people, including me, are surrounding a long, heavy, bulky object (like a wide log) to keep it from sliding down or to the side.
My Mum is there, standing off to side. She asks me if I would join the girls all lined up on a long sled like thing, as it needed more weight to get going down the hill.
I look and realize the folks around the heavy log are all men, and it’s a heavy lifting job.
I realize Mum is asking me to join the lighter duty thing that the girls are doing/she see’s/ knows I’m weary of the heavy role; but she asks in a way that lets me think I’m helping her out (but I know it’s really for my benefit, mostly).
I go to the line of girls lined up/sitting down on like an invisible sled as it’s starting to move downhill.
I’m at the very back, holding on to my sister’s hoody-hood with both hands, on my stomach, going downhill fast. I feel grateful I’m in the back (vs front.)
Shelley’s thots’ : I can really see how this dream correlates with the work that The Holy Spirit has had us do here in this little intensive: digging deep with some of our personal testimonies and putting the learning to work!
Even though the “husband issue” can seem like a “daunting issue” (Big log) … as we share together the commonalities and work of the Spirit …there is this buoyant JOY as we “take that ride together” with Holy Spirit. Often what is needed is for just one of us to “dig deep” and risk transparency in order to free others in the group to follow-suit with their stories of difficulties and triumphs.
My own little Testimony
Illumination of LOVE: Holy Spirit leading; Word working
After breakfast this morning sharing key scriptures with each other, My husband was reading them out while I was at the stove.
He stumbled over a word and I spoke out the correct word in its place, just so that the meaning of the text would not be obscured.
Immediately he had a slight uptick in offence, which of course completely stifled The Holy Spirit flow. Uh oh… I tried to address it gently, but could feel that there was a stubborn block.
My inner prayer thoughts: “Holy Spirit come; guide me in your way, I don’t want to be overly corrective in this, but I want you to do what you want to do here.”
Immediately The Holy Spirit impressed my thoughts with the Scripture that He’s been emphasizing to my husband and I from Ephesians 4 — and He spoke to my thoughts, “Let the Word do its’ work!”
So I released the Word saying, “You know I think that maybe this is about this aspect of gentleness… and the Ephesians 4:2-3… What do you feel?” Do you want to read that out loud? (He did.)
” with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, 3 endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. ” Ephesians 4:2-3.
Then I appealed to the ground work that we’ve been laying down together as a couple: as much loved children becoming imitators of God…” (Ephesians 5:1) … with all gentleness and humility.
(An important aside: This was actually the Covenant marriage scripture that The LORD had given me as a part of our vows just before our wedding over thirty years ago… As I’m typing this out I can see in the spirit that it was penned in gold by Father to be sealed upon our hearts. If we honor this word it will work deeply in our lives.)
So my husband kind of stretched just with his shoulders in a “holding tight” position… I could feel and see that grip of defensiveness and offence, and he stalled…..
I knew that I was going to lose this opportunity unless I went quickly into “Spirit action”.
So I said, “You know sweetheart when we have a tag from the enemy it’s usually because there’s a wound deeper inside … and sometimes it goes way back.
We don’t really think too much about the wound because we’ve learned to adapt and cover it over with our flesh, and that’s where the enemy has permission to tag us with something that makes us feel stronger than the gaping wound of weakness that we are experiencing … I think that’s what The Holy Spirit is pointing to here. Can we go there?”
He nods, and I GO! ( Whispering in my thoughts, “Thank you Holy Spirit!” )
Immediately in a Vision, I see a dark shadow over early school years.
My hubby is a brilliant mind mechanically, technologically and in three dimensional thinking but in grade school he had dyslexia.
He hasn’t really ever talked about it, except to say that’s why he really didn’t like to read … but I know there’s a dark block there.
When I’m ministering to someone, I “see, sense and feel” in The Holy Spirit. Often times I will have a specific physiological sensation in my body that represents where the soul hold is, or where there is a physical infirmity.
By The Spirit, I saw the damage to my husband’s psyche and deep rooted feeling of insecurity and diminished feelings of self worth.
I began to gently share what I was seeing with him. The LORD showed me that these wounds had a “choke hold” on him.
By the authority that The LORD has given me, I began to remove the holds from my husband’s soul related to this diminished sense of self-worth.
The Holy Spirit was allowing me to sense the holds coming out of my husband’s lungs, out of his digestive track, and off of His mind.
I could feel prophetically a large release of breath come out of me, so I asked my husband if in faith he would release an exhale and command a release of all these feelings of insecurity and inferiority. He did! I could feel a small physical tremor come from Him.
Then The Holy Spirit warmed my ear, and gave me a physiological witness on the back of my head.
I said to my husband, “Now The LORD wants to give new memories in place of the harmful ones. Can you by faith, put your hand on the back of your head? …
Even though we can’t really touch the amygdala, that’s the place where emotional memories are stored, and Jesus wants to heal them.”
Immediately I saw a vision encounter of The LORD Jesus coming in to my husband with something that was both a gavel and a stamp of approval, with a date stamp.
The LORD immediately judged the insecurity and feelings of unworth and instead “stamped” my husband with His very own approval.
Then The LORD took away all of these papers that were standing as judgments against my husband’s self worth, and instead spoke words of honor over my husband.
I saw Jesus robing my husband with honor. I felt the robe on my back.
Jesus said to my husband, “I have clothed you in dignity, and given you a name from before the foundation of the earth.
You are Mine. I delight in you. I have robed you with My Robes of Righteousness and appointed you in this Hour in My Kingdom. You give Me great delight!”
Afterwards we were both filled with a sweet, gentle honey- warmed joy feeling of freedom.
I had soft tears, and we had a deep embrace, praising The LORD for His faithful love.
Our Divine Calling
“As a prisoner of The LORD, I plead with you to walk holy, in a way that is suitable to your high rank, given to you in your divine calling. With tender humility and quiet patience, always demonstrate gentleness and generous love toward one another, especially toward those who may try your patience. Be faithful to guard the sweet harmony of The Holy Spirit among you in the bonds of peace, being one body and one spirit, as you were all called into the same glorious hope of divine destiny. For The LORD God is one, and so are we, for we share in one faith, one baptism, and one Father. And he is the perfect Father who leads us all, works through us all, and lives in us all!” Ephesians 4:1-6 TPT.
Every Blessing in our Glorious Lord!
“But you, my delightfully loved friends, constantly and progressively build yourselves up on the foundation of your most holy faith by praying every moment in the Spirit. Fasten your hearts to the love of God and receive the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, who gives us eternal life. Keep being compassionate to those who still have doubts, and snatch others out of the fire to save them. Be merciful over and over to them, but always couple your mercy with the fear of God. Be extremely careful to keep yourselves free from the pollutions of the flesh. Now, to the one with enough power to prevent you from stumbling into sin and bring you faultless before his glorious presence to stand before him with ecstatic delight, to the only God our Savior, through our Lord Jesus Christ, be endless glory and majesty, great power and authority—from before he created time, now, and throughout all the ages of eternity. Amen!” Jude 1:20-25 TPT.
Essential Neville — Being Clothed in Light @43m
Please also see two more guest submissions from our little Intensive that correlate with the testimonies here: “Generation Next; Every Joint Supplying”
Generation Next: Every Joint Supplying
Ministry and Testimonies from Women’ Intensive
Sherri Parker — Dream of Birthing (Last part of 2024)
I was in a hospital in the OBGYN area. I was sitting in the waiting room with other women.
The chairs were set up in rows of six (6). They were beige/tan in color and looked like the chairs you see in a home movie theater.
Sets of six (6) chairs were all over the waiting room, and it was full.
The woman sitting beside me was talking with me about what procedure I was there for. I noticed as we were talking that the chairs had remote control buttons on the arm where you could move the chair around.
It was time for my procedure, and I hit the button to move my chair to where it needed to go.
When I did, it lifted me up really high over everything and everyone. I had a birds-eye view of everything.
I made the statement that it was too high. Looking down, I felt fear. I didn’t like everyone’s focus on me.
I worked hard to find the “down” button.
I managed to get the chair back down and headed to where my procedure was going to be done.
As I was traveling to get there, I passed the area where babies were being born, although I didn’t see the babies, I knew what the area was for.
I saw women who were nurses or midwives standing behind stretched out placentas on wooden dowels.
It was very unusual. They looked like flags and were red and white, but at the same time, I knew they were placentas.
I had passed by three (3) different midwives with three (3) different placentas where three (3) different babies were born.
End of dream.
There was a lot to unpack in this dream. I had to get my dream interpretation book by “Praying Medic” to figure out what some of it meant.
So the meaning of the dream is that women all over the globe are birthing something spiritually right now, but it is going to manifest in the physical with different gifts, anointings, mantles, etc.
Each one of us is birthing something different.
God wants to take me higher and help me birth something, but I have to trust and let go of fear -fear is in the way.
Everything made sense to me after I looked up the meanings of the words.
- The flags represented a symbol of national identity and faith or commitment.
- Red and white represented sacrifice and purity.
- Three (3) represented the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- The wooden dowel represented the cross.
- Six (6) represented labor.
- Beige and tan represented grounding and stability.
- Hospital = church or ministry of healing.
- Chair = authority.
- Remote control = making work easier.
- Ascend = promotion, authority, to rise spiritually.
- Moving = change in life’s circumstances.
- Baby = a new beginning or fulfillment of a promise.
- Nurse = Holy Spirit, or Christ, or an angel.
- Placentas = life line.
- Blood = life, covenant, or atonement
Sherri’s Author note:
I wanted to let you all know I never had dreams until I got saved in 2022. (I’ve been a Churchgoer for most of my life, but never really had an Encounter with Jesus until 2022.
My first dream was a simple visual of me standing in front of a weathered black and white swing set. Right before my eyes, it became restored to vibrant blue!
When I shared the dream with Shelley, she said Father God was restoring the joy of my youth!
I’ve been dreaming ever since, maybe one or two dreams a month.
Cassandra Carrascosa — Encountering Jesus during Inner Healing
An important key to deliverance and inner healing: encountering Jesus in the memory of the pain, brokenness, and/or bondage.
My husband first exercised this practice on me, and I have found it to be incredibly effective, especially for the deeper wounds, or places where memories are just too painful to revisit.
( Really, it’s a practice we can and probably SHOULD do with any painful memory. )
We begin with asking Jesus to show himself to the one being ministered to, within the parameters of the situation we are facing.
I have utilized this on my own, and along with the assistance of my husband. It always brings life and light into a place that formerly felt like it was dark and foreboding.
Once the face of Jesus glowed with such brightness, it hid the parts of the memory that were tormenting me. All that I could see was his face.
I understand that at first stepping into the process can feel like: “how could Jesus have been there?!”
It’s a remark I made to my husband the first time he tried to gently walk me through the process.
I am reminded of The LORD’s words to Joshua when he was told he would be leading the Israelites into the promised land:
“It is The LORD Who goes before you; He will [march] with you; He will not fail you or let you go or forsake you; [let there be no cowardice or flinching, but] fear not, neither become broken [in spirit–depressed, dismayed, and unnerved with alarm].” Deuteronomy 31:8 AMPC.
He knows what we have walked through, and where we are headed. He is always with us, even when it has felt like his presence was absent.
So open your heart to trust him to show you in the process, his gentle presence that has been with you even in the deepest darkness.
He wants to shine His light and bring healing to those places the enemy tried to trap and destroy you in.
There was an incident where my husband and I were sitting in our vehicle, when he confessed something that had happened much earlier in our marriage.
Prior to this moment, we had overcome much. I knew in my heart I would forgive him, and I did!
As the words left my mouth, I witnessed a demon manifest in him, crying: “noooooo!”
I commanded that demon to shut up and leave, and it did without trouble. The Truth in that moment was traumatic for me though, and I walked away with a deep wound.
My husband had me do the “walk through with Jesus”, asking me to close my eyes and just ask Jesus to show himself to me.
I knew in my heart He was with me. He has always shown himself to be with me in deliverance.
I knew this as a Truth, but I couldn’t see him in that car. It took some work before I saw him kneeling in the second row, leaning over the center console between my husband and I.
At first it was just the knowing, that brought me comfort, but it took seeing him over and over again in that place as the memory surfaced to better receive a deeper revelation of his love for both of us in that moment.
His compassionate redemption for my husband (which fills me with so MUCH gratitude), and his tender love for me; not leaving me alone in the darkness.
My husband stepped up that day. Holy Spirit showed me how he has healed and transformed my husband, and how that has been healing to me as well. He showed me that He’s been working our crooked and broken paths into his perfect path, and that each time we choose to trust and follow the leading of Holy Spirit, we take another step into His (RESTORED) perfect plan for our lives.
A nod back to Deuteronomy, remember that as you dive into this process, you’re taking ground from the enemy! This is war!
We attended a deliverance school-intensive training, and I will never forget what was shared: “You can bring a person out of the aloneness of darkness, when you help them encounter Jesus in the memory.” — Paraphrasing — By doing so, you essentially insert Jesus and shift the memory.
Melissa Henderson — The Need for Deep Healing and Freedom
A gentle Ministry response affirming the need to dig deeper in prayer, deliverance and inner Healing while building our foundation in Christ.
I can understand your point of view on concentrating on The LORD vs the enemy.
The LORD IS much more desirable to talk about, brings comfort and peace.
Although, if you are needed to minister to someone who has come out of the occult or has been through much trauma/abuse, direct identification of the enemy’s tactics are needed to properly help them.
I came out of the occult/witchcraft and wanted more than anything to never see or hear of another demonic thing ever again. I had much trauma and seen way more than I ever wanted to in the demonic realm.
When I was first brought into the knowledge of being “in Christ”, I soaked up all I could. I enjoyed learning about all He did for us and how to continue to grow closer to Him.
Once I came to a certain point though, The LORD told me it was time to get rid of any lingering hooks and authority I may have given over to the enemy through my life, knowingly or unknowingly.
What I didn’t realize this was going to be an ongoing thing for quite some time.
He allowed me to rest in between these “confronting the enemy” times for times of refreshing in Him.
It is all about keeping Him in front of you and beside you at all times, no matter where He may send you.
I had to go back to places emotionally that I never wanted to go. It seemed oppressive at times. He was always there to hold my hand and guide me.
He showed me that deliverance is continual and He will ask of us to press through it at times, even if it feels hard.
He gave me the analogy of how an onion has thin layers and thick layers. Sometimes we are peeling the thin (easy) layers off and sometimes we are peeling the thick (hard) layers off.
I have found this peeling has resulted in increasing my ability to hear Him, draw closer to Him and receive clarity.
At times I felt it was unnecessary, bringing much more difficultly than I really wanted to deal with.He sees the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10) and knows what we need to accomplish His plan for us.
Of course, He has been the center and focus of all my encouragement!
I have been able to help many others like me to see that you can be free and the demonic is no match for our King! He is our ever present Help in time of need.
I have learned to always keep my inner dialog with Him alive, no matter what I’m going through. I’ve had some dark places that I have had to walk out of, and would have never made it this far, without continually staying “in Him”.
I was given much comfort at the beginning of my walk with Him by keeping the “in Christ” scripture list nearby me along with Psalm 91.
I know many did not have to walk through the extremes like me, but some have to.
I can now look back and be thankful for The Holy Spirit teaching me and leading me through it all. It has built my faith and trust in Him.
I think many of the younger generation are going to need to know these things because of how dark society has turned over the years.
When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of The LORD shall lift up a standard against him. (Isaiah 59:19)
Blessings and prayers, dear one, for He has great plans for you!
Week #2 B/ Turning Declarations into Miracles (Luke 9:1-2)
Ken Fish @10min.
~ Shelley M Ed
Shelley M Ed/ LifeSetMinistries: Ordained Minister CMA/ working with Leaders and Ministry Houses: US/CAN/INT. Leadership development, counselling, and oversight.
“Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom…. Let your waist be girded and your lamps burning” Luke 12:32;35.
SHELLEY, thank you so much for posting this! PRAISE GOD!!!
I pray that it “puts out there” a prophetic Testimony of the goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ, and is a bit of a spark that will help to set the FIRE for ministry “to and through” “Generation Next” !
~It’s not going to look like the old wineskin ….We’ve got to be flexible and supple in the Master’s hands! ….with the precise leading of Holy Spirit and the activated Word!